Are You A Culture Parrot?


A wise man showed his pupil a story written on a cave wall. “Look, and learn,” he instructed.

“Sorry,” the pupil said, “but I prefer my knowledge from word of mouth, around the campfire.”

Centuries later…

A druid hands a set of life’s instructions, carved on clay tablets, to his apprentice. “Sorry,” she said, “but I prefer reading off of cave walls.”

Centuries later…

A priest hands his underling God’s wisdom, written on deer skin. “Master,” he asked, “Do you have this on a clay tablet? I just prefer clay. I like the way it feels in my hand.”

Centuries later…

A professor hands a book of philosophy, printed on the finest paper, to her student. “Sorry,” he said, “but might you have this on deer skin? It just reads better.”

Centuries later…

“I just can’t read on Kindle. I prefer paper.”

Even later…

“Do you have this in hologram? I’m a bit of a traditionalist.”

Much later…

“Can’t you just “thought” it to me, in the quantum field? I like the way it feels…in my head.”

Your thoughts are not your own

Your thoughts are products of memory. How susceptible are you to the marketers, the social scientists, the politicians, the ideologues?

The next time you spit out a belief, or a statement, ask yourself where have you heard this before? And is it true? Or are you just parroting a cultural narrative?

“Xyz celebrity is a racist.”

“So and so is creepy.”

“Capitalism is evil.”

“Bitcoin is a scam.”

“Russia is hacking everything”

Question your beliefs, as often as necessary.

It’s okay to fly against the flock. You’ll find a new one.

I love my Kindle. Blessed is technology.

Check out Kuntar The Barbarian. A case study in Alpha.

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