
Dating Younger Women

conner womenAt the time of this writing, I’m 35 years old. I started practicing pickup eight years ago. In that time, I’ve dated quite a few young women between 18-25.

When I was in highschool, I pretty much got no ass. When I was in my early twenties, I got a few girfriends because I was the lead singer in a band, but I was still too introverted to get the hot, young girls that I’d fantasized about since adolescence. So naturally, when I discovered game in my late twenties, I vowed to remedy this.

“How old are you?” is a common question you will get from girls. It’s more prevalent than, “Where are you from?” or, “What’s your name?”

There’s no correct answer. You lie, and she won’t give you a hard time, as long as you look youthful or cool. You tell the truth, she might give you shit, but you’ve put yourself out there, and have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. You shouldn’t be anyway.

Why do women care about your age?

In my opinion, it’s mostly social pressure. But I won’t go into the specifics. Let’s just say, all women are different, but have commonalities that allow us to make generalizations. Chicks care what their friends and family think, a lot. At least when they’re younger.

Women are naturally attracted to older men, for many reasons: Confidence, status, social standing, income level, life experience, lack of a tolerance for bullshit, ambition, maturity and so forth. A guy in his early twenties, except for the rare exceptions, doesn’t know shit.

Women socially mature faster than men.  As soon as they sprout breasts, usually around age 14 to 16, they are bombarded with social and sexual attention. While they’re being invited to parties by older guys, most young men are still at home building models and playing Warcraft.

Most men aren’t soldiers and don’t go to war at eighteen. Most first world men remain child-like, well into their thirties. For many hot girls, young guys are fun. They drink hard, party hard, are good for a laugh and sometimes a lay. But outside of the party, their lack of life-experience doesn’t make for a good long term partner.

An article written by a male professor, and posted in feminist blog Jezebel has its own conclusions:

The reasons older men chase younger women have less to do with sex and everything to do with a profound desire to reassure ourselves that we’ve still got “it.” “It” isn’t just physical attractiveness; “it” is the whole masculine package of youth, vitality, and, above all else, possibility. It’s not that women our own age are less attractive, it’s that they lack the culturally-based power to reassure our fragile, aging egos that we are still hot and hip and filled with potential. Inspiring desire in women young enough to be our daughters becomes the most potent of all anti-aging remedies, particularly when we can show off our much younger dates to our peers. The famous little red sports car reveals only the size of our bank account; attracting a girl barely out of her teens (or, if we’re in our fifties, barely out of her twenties) validates the enduring power of our youthful appeal.

I don’t know. Looking at my own motivations, wanting to hook up with nineteen year olds has nothing to do with validating my ego, and everything to do with hooking up with a nineteen year old. And having a little validation is enough to encourage me to try it again. And yes, most women over thirty five are less attractive. Their skin sags, they gain weight, they get wrinkles, and so forth. It doesn’t mean their personalities don’t improve, but most men aren’t attracted by personalities, they’re attracted by youth, beauty, and then charm.

Tips on seducing younger women:

-Never, ever act needy, or dependent. She is attracted to older guys because they have a strong sense of self. If she makes plans to go for dinner, and flakes to go dancing with her twenty-year old friends, and you make a fuss…game over. Young girls have options, especially on a weekend. Most have a large social circle and you are probably her dirty secret. She is used to needy, clingy young guys, and if you act like them she will dump you faster than Cambodian Diarrhea.

-If she teases you about your age, just play along. Don’t pretend you are her age, but don’t highlight the difference. When younger girls tease you about your age, consider it a test. Your age and experience is an advantage. Flip the script and tease her about her childish ways. “Shouldn’t you be out collecting your Pokemon?”

-Teach her things her younger friends can’t. Young women date older guys because we’re interesting. We’ve developed our talents and hobbies to points of expertise. We’ve read many books, we’ve travelled, we’ve dated many women. Use your experience and show her how to develop herself into a woman. Point out her childish habits, tease her about her naivety. Do not, do not, be the perfect willing-to-please sweety man-bitch by agreeing with her young girl nonsense, even if she gets upset. On the flip side, every girl has something to teach you. So if she does teach you something, be proud of her, like a good Daddy. (Creepy sounding but true).

older-Be cool. She isn’t attracted to an older guy because he wears baggy Khakis and golfs on Tuesdays. Dress well, be fit, and have an interesting life full of cool, interesting activities and friends. Most girls don’t believe I’m thirty five. I wear high top sneakers, skinny jeans, have tattoos and perform slam poetry. I’m not the creepy older guy, I’m the cool older guy. And I’ll try to be cooler as I age so I can keep dating young, beautiful women, until I fall in love or something.

-Young girls are most concerned with having fun. She doesn’t want to come over and discuss politics, or your job, or watch re-runs of Lost. You should to take her on trips, camping, hiking, mexican meditation resorts, boat cruises, whatever. I’m not saying you have to pay for everything, but you’ll probably have to pay for lots, because many younger women are broke ass students. But you’re older, and you have some money, right? If you can give her a good time, and not because you want to please her, but because YOU want to have fun with a hot young girl, because that’s what makes you happy, she will have fun providing that service for you, with her affections and body.

Again, I’m not saying you need to buy a gold digger. I’m saying, you are older and should have a lot more money than her. If she has money too, great. But if you want to date nineteen year olds, you better believe she expects something in return other than your dick. Be a provider if you want to keep her around for more than a few bangs. But make sure it’s as a reward, and not a bribe.

-Young women are insecure, and immature. As socially adept as they may be, they’re very concerned with their physical and social appearance. She is worried about what her friends would think of her dating an older guy. To them, you’re probably gross (if you’re over forty). So you’ll probably be a secret for some time. She’s also worried that you think she’s immature. I rarely bring up the age difference, and if she does, I just frown or tease her back. Any tests she throws you are usually manifestations of her own insecurities. As women age, like men, so does their confidence. Younger women don’t have strong identities yet. They’re still figuring themselves out, and you’re part of her development. In fact, you’re probably a social experiment.

-Do not make ultimatus early on. Do not expect them to be monogamous. Do not expect them to be loyal. Expect them to hang out with you from time to time. If you are a talented seducer, she will want you to be her man. She will let you know, and you can decide whether you want to keep her around. Don’t chase too much.

– If you bang them, bang them like they’re the last young pussy on a post-apocalyptic earth. Use all of your sex experience to rock their world. Then they’ll have one more reason to come back. If you give them great sex, and you’re fun to hang out and talk to, and you have an interesting lifestyle, there’s a small chance your pretty young thing will fall in love with you, and you’ll have a few years to be with her.

For guys over forty-five, you’re fighting a tough battle to get 18-25 year olds. If you want thirty-five year olds, you’ll have your pick off Okcupid. Your best bet if you want the younger girls is to look good or have very high status. I’m not saying this to mean, or anti-game. I’m here to speak the truth.

Cold approaching works. You can meet women in malls, bars, and all that. But if you want those young girls, you have to look at your life and ask yourself, what can you offer them in exchange for their time? If you don’t have anything to offer, you’ll have to spend a few years developing yourself. If you aren’t willing to do that, if you want to give up and go to hookers, then that’s your choice. You can do it though. I believe in you.

There’s nothing wrong with being attracted to younger women. All men are. There’s nothing wrong with older women if that’s what you desire. Do what makes you happy, and fuck what anybody things about that. (Pedophiles excluded). If you want to chase younger women, you’re going to have to deal with hatred and shaming. Realize, this is jealousy. You’re not a bad person for following your biological drive and flirting with younger women. Good luck to you.

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  1. I just read your article… I m 26, working (so i have some money) and hooked up with a 18 year old girl(school) i did exactly what u discribed in your fantastic article… in the beginning i just tried to sleep with her as much as i can..played it really cool(went on boattrips, restaurants, all this shit and i think she was impressed of me(lived in lots of different countries, speak more languages, job, blablabla). But at one point it changed.. i fall in love with her and know i m the guy who is “chasing” her.. i realized it now and dont know what to do.. its hard to relax and be the cool guy… i know if i continue acting like this she will be pissed and will break up with me thankfull for any advice…tough situation byebye

  2. I’m 40, and have been single since I was 35. This truly is the best time to date in your entire life, because never again will I be able to date a 22 year old on Friday, then her 43 year old mother on Saturday! I too look young for my age, but I’m almost totally bald. Guess what… If you don’t make a big deal out of losing your hair, neither will she. It’s all about the confidence and wisdom that you bring to her world. She likes the fact that you are totally able to pick up where daddy left off, and that you aren’t an insecure, overeager hormone monster like the guys her same age (that she’s become quite tired of dealing with).

    Looks definitely help, as most younger women will be a lot more superficial and selfie-happy… Looks are extremely important to them (especially how you two look together). These are millennials we’re talking about.

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