How To Pick Up Girls: An Introduction

I told myself I wouldn’t write posts like this: Newbie guides.

You see, I spent a few years, from 2007-2010 in a community of men that dedicate 90% of their calories imagining creative ways to pick up women. The other 10% was reserved for eating, pooping, mouse clicks, rounds of wow, etc.

I studied and practiced with these pimps in training. They came from all walks of life; tech guys, web devs, students, doctors, lawyers, real estate agents, writers, you name it. We spent hundreds and hundreds of hours on this stuff all because we desperately wanted boobies in our lives. Yeah…weird. Evil!

In case you haven’t heard, most men suck at this stuff. “Hey can I buy you a drink?,” is almost a cliche now. For a woman hearing, “What’s your name?” is like breaking a nail to the root.

So here I am, five years later, writing what is basically for me, the equivalent of a, “How to tie your shoe laces,” blog post. That’s ok. I forget sometimes that most dudes are clueless when it comes to attracting women. You have to start somewhere. That’s why I make the big bucks…ehh, yeah.

There are literally dozens and dozens of ebooks and dvd’s on the internet covering, “how to pick up girls.” You could even replace the keyword, “pickup,” with, “attract,” or, “seduce.” Some of the products are nonsense and some are fantastic. But the greatest epiphany is that it’s POSSIBLE. You can learn how to be hot. You can learn how to seduce them. You too can get laid like Charlie Sheen on a tuesday. (I had to mention him.)

Most guys have limiting beliefs like, “I’m too old, bald, fat, short, ugly, Chinese, black, orange, smelly…and so on, and on. You know what? It don’t matter. There is a girl out there for all of you. But…

You need to meet them.

There’s step one; meet more women. Most guys rely on their social circle–friends or family or work and sometimes the Internet. Yeehaw. Unless you’re in a fraternity or work at a La Senza your options are limited.

Maybe you aren’t funny. Maybe you project neediness. Maybe you have visible nervous energy. Maybe you are blind to your errors. Perhaps you need a little drone robot hovering behind you, explaining the nature of women.

You want a portal to Hogwarts where your magic pill works.

But we aren’t in the future. We are right now.

So you need to study:

– The Science of Self Improvement

– Female Attraction Psychology

– Style and fashion

– Body Language

– Vocal Tonality

– Approach Techniques

– Escalation Techniques

– Closing Techniques

– Your own thoughts

And then apply all that information by…..whaaaaaam!…

Approaching Women! Woot. That’s the best part. Don’t you love them? The girls. They are your fuel.

Through repetition, you’ll become accustomed to interacting with women.

There’s the blueprint–one blueprint for success with women. Get used to approaching them and holding decent, engaging, conversations. Yeah…no problem. (It took me a few years. But it works.)

Sometimes caressing her hand says more than words.

Style isn’t as important but it does help…a lot. You should push your comfort zone with fashion. If you aren’t being complimented on your style often…then you don’t have style. You’re average. You’re safe, (Yawn.)

I can hear your inner Virgin yelling right now, “But that’s not meee Tony.”

Being fashionable means more than wearing a clean polo and newish jeans. It means being hip to trends–paving your own path. Prove you aren’t socially retarded, and proud of your body—even if it’s a work in progress. You’re chippin away at yourself. Keep chippin. There’s a diamond in there.

So after you learn how to approach, and how to touch, and how to dress, you need to learn what to say. This is the part most of us get hung up on. It amazes me how stressed out some guys get over, “what to say?”

Some of my worst students were the best looking, most financially successful men. These guys can walk into a room and have every girl checking them out, but they open their mouths and crickets spill out.

This post isn’t a one stop answer. It’s a brief overview of a whole process of transformation. I’ll do my best to write more in depth articles and help as many guys as possible.

If you want a good starting mark, I suggest exploring your nearest girl-rich location. A book store or dairy queen or cougar pub. What ever you like. Don’t worry about picking them up–Just get used to holding conversations with women.

That’s step one. You can open with anything, but you should avoid generic openers like, “What’s your name?” or, “Can I buy you a drink?” and “What time is it?” That’s newbie stuff. You need to be a little creative. Creativity will get you farther than logic.

Chicks don’t care much for logic. Sometimes, but mostly no. I prefer to talk about Dinosaurs, Unicorns, movies, travel, adventure, fun, fun, fun.

If a girl is polite and responds well to your approach, stay in there. Don’t eject. Get the laugh, the kiss, the number. Don’t quit so easily. Try to stay two minutes. That’s all it takes. 2 MINUTES.

I wish I had an entire ebook for you…not yet. Follow my awesome, hilarious and spiritually enlightening blog and sign up for my newsletter.

For you veterans that are sick of newbie posts. You’ll have to wait. I’ll get there. Advanced self-dev content is on the way.

Now go meet some women, or two, or six.

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