Pickup is a Skillset, not a Lifestyle

girl2Following the release of The Game, by Neil Strauss, pickup-as-science hit the mainstream. Back then, most men were either naturally talented, or hopelessly incompetent. Then we learned that through exposure and practice, we could improve our ability to attract women.

At first we memorized long, scripted routines, meant to increase attraction by displaying our wit. This helped loads of men overcome their approach anxiety and gain some social skill, but it also turned many into social robots who had nothing left to say once their routines stacks were exhausted.

Then came the natural movement. Men realized that women were more attracted to pure confidence than anything else, and by acting confident (fake it till you make it) they actually became confident.

The problem with natural game:

It takes time. Lots of it. Years even.

The solution:

Suck it up and put in the time.

This has long been my message to readers.

The early advocates told us that with secret pua techniques, we could trick beautiful women into bed with us. That any night of the week, we could march into a bar with our fuzzy hats and leave with a ten on our arm. What a life this would be…if it was true.

It took me years to learn the truth. That pickup is a skillset, and not a lifestyle. I don’t know anyone that wakes up in the morning and yells, “Hooray, I get to cold approach women today!” But I know many that yell, “Hooray, I have a date today.”

If I’m in a line for coffee, and there’s a cute girl behind me, I’m fully confident that I have a shot at landing a date with her. I’ve put eight years of practice into this stuff. I’m also fully aware, that about 80% of the girls I hit on will reject me. I’m fine with that.

We practice pickup as a form of self-improvement. It’s a way of swinging the odds more in our favor. If you really want to pickup a new hottie seven nights a week, try for a job in entertainment. Get on tv, or you tube, or start a band. The skills you developed in your years of pickup will payoff.

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One Comment

  1. Hi Tony ,
    That’s very interesting , the type of job that you can land many hotties. Band- member , on TV , entertainment type job , ( etc. ? ). Are you interested in expanding your knowledge to your co – horts ( fans ) , on this particular subject ? I kn it’s a lot of work for you , but we ( I ! ) need help. Thanku. Bartender ? Playboy photographer haha. Is there a job an uneducated schmuck like me could easily get ( re : land taste of the sea in my boat. An Asian mermaid would do ) ? I can walk & talk , & hv a car. I’m average looking & hv a net worth of about $20k. That’s about it ( my qualifications ). I kn how cut a tree or set up movie lights but not qualify me for sexy- land – hots type jobs , whatever those type jobs ( other than allready mentioned ) might be.
    Sincerely , Bro.

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