Your Heroes Don’t Worship You

I had a bit of downtime after the holidays. I’m pretty fringe and not many guys are willing to dish out $800 on a pickup bootcamp immediately after Christmas. So I took some time to work on my other hobby–fiction prose. I ended up with what might be a pretty decent short story. It’s a total Hemingway ripoff, but if I’ve learned anything about learning, it’s that you imitate your influences to develop your own voice. And it takes a really, really long time to be world class.

When I got into pickup I was studying other gurus like the RSD crew, Mystery Method, Juggler, and all these guys had their own style. One thing they had in common was their work ethic. All of them said the same thing: To Achieve Mastery, you must practice, a lot. Not once or twice a week…like EVERY FUCKIN DAY!

So that’s what I did. I moved to Montreal and went out EVERY DAY. That sounds pretty absurd doesn’t it? That’s because it is.

I admire high achievers. Guys like Picasso, Hemingway, Bukowski, Polanski, Bruce Lee, Mike Tyson, Anderson Silva, Woody Allan, Kanye West. Some may call these guys “gifted,” and they are. But really it’s their ability to practice their craft, EVERY FUCKIN DAY, that lifted them to the realm of the professional.

You can read books, watch dvds and go to seminars, but if you want real success in any endeavor, the only true path is daily practice, dedication, work ethic and perseverance. Also the ability to self reflect and learn from your mistakes.

The number one question I get from guys is, “What if?”

What if she says she has a boyfriend? What if she doesn’t stop? What if her friend pulls her away?

Masters learn from experience. Let experience be your guru.

What separates the champion from the poseur is that the champion doesn’t worship. Many young pickup guys have their favourite gurus. They’ll say, “But so and so says to always open indirect! So and so says blah blah blah.

I say, “Fuck so and so.”

I have many friends that are incredibly successful in business, with girls, with their art. None of them worship their heroes; they respect them. The guys that are successful say, “Cool, I want to do that too. I think I will.”

As for myself, I don’t look at the masters as being above me. I just see them as inspirations and beacons of hope that it’s possible to rise above–if you dedicate yourself to your craft.

Be your own hero.

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  1. Tony, that’s an important reminder, so thank-you.

    Now, how, when, and where will I be able to read this story of yours? I like your writing, and I’ve always enjoyed Hemmingway – it would be an honour to read your ripoff of him.

  2. I came upon your ad and just had to give it a look. I mean, who actually offers a course in such a thing. With my wife looking over my shoulder I read your words and chuckled and despite how absurd it all sounded found myself nodding my head in agreement. But most of all I enjoyed your writing; you understand how to structure your ideas. Anyway, whoever you are it was fun coming across you this way, and if your ever back in BC, drop us a line or come for a visit.

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