Movement is Seductive


Nomadic Lover

If you want to develop great rapport with anyone, especially beautiful women—move with them, walk with them, drive with them, swim with them. Even if that means transitioning from a park bench to an ice cream stand, a bar to a couch, or Spain to Greece.

Look at animals, all animals, and see your own nature. Birds fly together, dogs run together, fish swim together, lions hunt together—humans explore together. We’re wired to bond with those that we travel with. To form a tribe.

When I meet a woman and have a connection, I ask her to walk with me. If we meet in a party at night, I invite her to walk outside in the moonlight. If I meet her on a beach, I invite her to walk to the water and swim, or just feel the tide on our ankles. If I meet her at the mall, I invite her to go window shopping.

Rapport Through Experience

You aren’t asking a woman to love you, or even trying to seduce, or manipulate her. You are simply asking her to adventure with you—for the sake of the experience—and this is how you become friends, and eventually lovers. That transition can happen in seconds, or hours, or feet or meters or kilometres. But it involves a sort of movement.

Dancing is also a movement, like travel, but in one spot as a great movement within a small space. She might not have written a novel, or given birth to a child, or found the perfect career…but she can dance. If you can dance with her, you will create a very powerful bond.

Many men fantasize about meeting a beautiful woman and taking her to distant, exotic locations, where they can have her all to themselves, for a time. But this idea of a resort where as a couple, you stand still for a time, is often the doom of a relationship. The ultimate bond is created and maintained by movement.

The still moments are for resting.

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