Telling Beautiful Women They Are Fat

I like you girl. But you’re a little bit heavy.

Some dating coaches show videos of themselves acting like outright assholes and the women in the videos are laughing themselves to tears. Why is this?

Not long ago, I was on a date with a lovely beauty. This girl was thin, young and adorable. I decided to make a nice compliment on her waist line: “You are very fit. Look at that waist.”

“Oh no. I’m not. I need to work out.”

Now, the response I was looking for was, “Thank you.” But since a compliment didn’t seem to excite her emotions at all, I changed it.

“Oh my god. You’re right. I was being polite. You are so fat! We need to get you on a hamster wheel and burn those calories, fattie little piglet.”

“I know!” She said, punching me in the arm, laughing, grinning from ear to ear. The date went from just talking to cuddling. 

I was back on track.

“Tony, she must have low self-esteem.”

Hot girls love having their insecurities pointed out—as messed up as that is. Any attraction expert can attest to the power of breaking rapport. It’s a real mind fuck at first, but after years of dating experience you learn which women react positively to teasing, and which don’t. Usually the fitter the girl, the better she reacts to jerks and bad boys.

I’ve been experimenting with this style of flirtation for about ten years. The gentleman vs the jerk. And I’ll tell you, the jerk wins nearly every time. Some of my most successful flirtatious lines are:

“Shut up.”

“You’re sooo fat.”

“You’re a dum dum.”

“If I wanted your opinion I would slap it out of you.”

For the sensitive-women and lady-boy hipsters reading who are now fuming “How dare he!?” realize that in the moment, for the girl, this is funny. Like a satire. It’s the “Oh my god did he really say that?” factor that generates the vagina tingles. If the lady is so dumb that she actually thinks you beat women, that you actually think she is fat, then you should just end the date and meet a new lady with a sense of humor.

These sorts of outrageous comments are meant to be humorous, not hateful.

Gay men get away with this stuff all the time. So do men who understand women. Confident men.

In application a joke about slapping a woman, directed to a woman, should have her giggling at the absurdity, and the audacity of such a comment from a man who should be kissing her ass. But he’s not? He’s making offensive jokes instead. Hmmm, he must be somehow different. Why doesn’t he care if he impresses me? Why?

Basically anything that implies she is overweight, stupid, ugly, unloved, retarded, etc, is sure to get a laugh and a major spike in attraction from cool women. At least the types I like to date. Women with real self-confidence, strong identities and a healthy sense of humor. 

Now before you call me a raging misogynist, realize that these aren’t lines you pull out on an overweight hipster girl. These are for fit women who are most likely a notch or two hotter than you are. These sorts of women are so sick of men pandering on hand and knee, showering them with underserved compliments, that any little rapport breaking comment that stops the cycle of worship is like a cool drink on a hot prairie.

You aren’t going to be this asshole jokester the whole time—save it for special moments. You can be a sweetie pie nice guy, just not ALL THE TIME. Mix it up a little. Keep her on her toes.

The Sad-Celeb Complex

Imagine you are a celebrity and everyone, all day, tells you how awesome you are. Sounds great right? Well after a long hard day of being worshipped you go home, snort some blow off a hookers tits, and cry. Why? Well maybe outside of make-believing on camera, you have no purpose, no skills, and no self-esteem. When you try to tell your “friends” about your insecurities they laugh and say, “But you’re famous! You can’t be sad! Be grateful!”

Nobody understands your sorrow.

This is why celebs tend to find refuge in cults and religions—like Scientology. They want someone to dominate them, to tell them what’s wrong with them, to be superior to them.

This is why powerful businessmen want to be dominated and humiliated by women clad in leather.

Hot women want this too. In a lover—they do not want a girl-friend. They want a mentor, a leader, and someone who will be real with them. Someone who instead of kissing their bubble butt all day and night will call them on their bullshit.

When I tell a hot girl that she is a fat little piggie who deserves to eat out of a trough, why does it make her giggle uncontrollably? Why doesn’t a mean statement like this make her slap me?

Because she knows the game. She understands that by breaking rapport, I am saying “I don’t value you only for your genetics. I trust that you can make your own judgements. I understand that you are a human being with insecurities and faults, and I’m not judging you based on your looks alone.”

Now if you’re a newbie I don’t recommend running around a bar telling hot girls they are pigs who should eat from troughs—it might backfire (hilariously).

Breaking rapport in a way that makes girls LAUGH takes a lot of self-confidence, and the ability to socially calibrate.

Expert social calibration in relation to hot girls is like landing a fighter jet on an air-craft carrier in choppy seas. I crashed a lot of planes to learn how to land my jet.

So does sprinkling a little jerk-boy into your seduction really work? Well, don’t take my word for it. If you get into this pickup stuff and learn to approach women, eventually you will be going on dates with beautiful ladies. Your first instinct will be politeness, irreverence, respect, submissiveness and compliance. Basically all of the features you would like in a girlfriend.

She doesn’t want a girlfriend. She wants a man. A big, sweet, cuddly, man who isn’t afraid to tease her.

And yes, there is yin in the yang. With your masculine there is feminine. But she doesn’t want to sleep with your feminine nature. She wants you to be her cult leader, her boss, her dominant alpha man who has a sprinkling of feminine sensitivity—not an overly polite, scared to offend softie with no romantic options other than her, who is so afraid to make a mistake, who lives so far from his edge that he doesn’t know where it is.

So the next time you’re on a date with a really fit, attractive woman, poke her in the belly and say, “Hey fattie. Why don’t you get yourself on a hamster wheel from time to time.” She might love you for it.

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