Don’t Be A Sheep

old_west_lynch_mobI’m wondering if one day I will have an Internet lynch mob after me. My own short stint with my local media was quite terrifying when they interviewed me about my book, and the cover of the newspaper said, “Growing Pickup Artist Movement Raises Fear Amongst Women.” And then on the inside of the paper it said, “Intelligent Flirting Part of The Game.”

The media will sensationalize a story for the effect that it raises people’s emotions. This, sells more papers, and generates more clicks.

I still have a social justice retard who stalks me because of that article. He likes to show up in my local cafe, point at me and yell, “He’s a pickup artist!” Like, anyone even knows what that means, or cares. He’s a little bit mentally unstable for sure. I suppose this is the price of fame.

The Media Lies…A lot

I used to work in the media as a journalist, and I saw the power I had to influence the masses. All I had to do to screw over a young local band was write a bad review of their act. It didn’t matter if I liked their type of music. It was just my opinion. People in general, believe anything “The News” tells them.

Use Critical Thought

Like here in Asia, backpackers always say the same things over and over. This place is ruined, this place is great, don’t do this because of that, etc. And over and over, I go to this place and have my very own, unique experience, and form my own personal, experienced based opinion. I don’t believe anyone’s opinion but my own. Parrots always squawk what they’ve heard before, but they don’t understand what they’re saying.

Don’t be a Sheep

I’ve been interviewed by Journalists about various achievements since I was a kid, and sometimes I would lie, just to see if they would fact check.

Once The Vancouver Province called my school for information on a story, and I told them that a volleyball group from my high school hired a leather clad, whip toting prostitute, which they did. But the girl had no leather nor whip. “Whip Toting Prostitute” was published as front page news. We had a good laugh about that. It also opened my eyes to the lies I had been fed by the media all of my life.

People, not all, but many, are just like sheep. And if someone with authority can point and say, “Murder,” the sheep will murder. They will march and light fires and go, “Baaaah!”

So watch what you say, and what you show online. At any point, someone could accuse you of something, and the lynch mob might show up on your doorstep. They won’t realize they’ve made a mistake until after you’ve bled dry.

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  1. Sometimes the problem is not that people are sheep (though that is a problem), but that they are trying to follow multiple shepherds. Some them will lead the flock of people to a lovely field…will lead to a slaughter house.

    Ever read this book Tony? If not, check it out! It talks about how media can mold the minds of even the most intelligent members of society:

  2. I don’t believe the Great Tony D. minces his words. Online , offline , fishing line , any line. Lines to women maybe , ( but spoken with smile & twinkle in his eye ). Woman don’t count.
    In the media , Tony tells the truth ( except when he jokes around ; allowed. Jokes are allowed. ) Tony not scared of Lynchburg mob. Tony only warning us , for our own safety , beware what we say. Thank you Tony. We beseech you keep telling it as it is. We will defend you. We ride with you , bro.

  3. In the late 2000s a reporter from D Magazine (Dallas magazine) came out and interviewed me and AsianPlayboy about pickup. I was helping him with a bootcamp he was doing in Dallas. She was REAL nice and seemed open-minded when talking to us. She even asked us for in-depth advice about her personal dating life.

    The resulting article was severely disappointing. She didn’t get even ONE fact right. Not one. I was amazed. This was a quality magazine that several hundred thousand people subscribed to and advertisers paid $20k or so per page to be in.

    That’s ok, though. The students got the truth and made breakthroughs.

    ~ Captain Jack ~

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