Life is Scary

Do you wish to succeed at anything in this very short life? You need to LOVE scary and OWN scary. Feed it and grow strong with the fear.

(Don’t you love my opening paragraphs? No pressure or anything.)

I was at a club last night chillin with some younger friends, meeting new people, talking to women. One of my guys is a bit less experienced, not quite confident. I said to him:

“Guys that get laid…we think like this: “Scary is awesome.” Scary is a challenge and fun. Not living scary is a boring and uneventful life. Every time you do the scary thing you will sleep like a baby and confirm that life is indeed, about living.”

I’m not just talking about chicks. If you step up to enough women eventually you’ll meet one that fits your dream. It’s inevitable. The real fear is that of living. We hide behind our Macbooks, comic books, work hours at jobs we despise and gorge on video games, tv, Facebook, porn. All the while people are outside your window digging life. Doing things like getting laid.

Motivation time is over. On to practical tips. Yeah…the stuff you actually do.

Practical Tip: To get a girls attention when she’s in a group…walk up calmly, tap her on the shoulder, motion with your finger to her friends, “One moment please,” and use both your hand to hold hers—then walk her out of the group.

If you question yourself, “I wonder if this works?” It will fail. If you feel nervous or guilty or self conscious…it will fail. If you want something other than experience and fun and self expression…it will fail. Don’t doubt. Believe.

The old model of game suggests you need routines and back turn negs and various nlp techniques. All of those can help…if you have the basics. But the transformation comes from pushing through the awkward moments and, “doing it anyway.” You just open your mouth and let the bullshit spill. The mistakes are part of the learning process.

There are common guidelines for verbal game.


  1. Don’t be needy. Don’t smother her in useless compliments.


  1. Make insights, not observations. Don’t ask her if her piercing hurt. Yes…it hurt. Make an insight. Ask her why she likes piercings. Tell her she seems like a bad girl.


  1. Don’t be too nice. Nice guys really do finish last. You don’t need to be a total ass, but don’t be a pushover.


  1. Keep talking. You don’t know what to say? Who cares! Talk anyway. Talk about your pet cat, your collection of rare wine, your big screen tv, your travels, the weird smell in the corner of the book store. It doesn’t matter…just keep talking.


More tips:

Squeeze her waist. She likes it.

Tell her she’s a brat. She likes it.

Push her away. She likes it.

And if she doesn’t like it…she’s weird. She’s socially awkward and uncalibrated. It’s not you…it’s her.  To be calibrated means to make adjustments. Some people can’t make adjustments because they are stuck in their ways. Even though their ways don’t work.

Your screw ups are not always your fault. Just get out there and do your best. Approach women and learn from your mistakes. If you roll the dice often enough eventually you will meet someone amazing and the sparks of glory will fly.

Good luck out there. It’s scary.

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