Pickup as Art

Are you an artist? Or a scientist?

Do you flex your creative muscles? Do you write stories, play guitar, dance, sing, act, direct, or so forth…..

Pickup is an art. When I hit a party, I’m on stage. It’s the Zardoz show.

How many of you like modesty in a performance? Bashfulness. Have you ever heard a musician say, “Sorry, we haven’t practiced in awhile.” It sucks right? You want them to pour their heart and soul into that performance. A good artist is conscious of an audience but does not react emotionally to that audience. The artist leads the audiences emotions by example.

It’s the art of social power through positive dominant energy.

I was with a friend on friday. The guy was freezing up. He can open–but that’s about it.He was completely focused on the outcome. I made a bet. Whoever can grab a girl and spin her the most times wins a drink.I wanted to loosen him up. Get him in the now. Guess who won? I pushed the guy and pushed the guy. He eventually goes straight to the hottest girl on the floor and meekly flaps his hand out. “No thanks!” She say’s politely with a backturn.

He’s thinking. Thinking is bad. Think less–feel more.

I’m wearing my, “This is fucking great,” grin. I’m standing straight and breathing deeply. There she is. My moderately attractive dancer. I lean back while thrusting out my hand. I look at my hand, then back at her. She bites, grabs my hand and the twirling commences. 1, 2,…….3, 4………….She tries to stop. I do a little circle with my finger and nod, ‘yes.’ She spins,….5, 6…..she stops. ‘No!’ I nod with an urgent look. She laughs and spins…….7. I implore her to keep spinning but now she’s pissed and walks off. Many girls are looking at me now. And they think I’m funny.

If you aren’t pissing people off, you aren’t in the game. Or you are a Zen pu Jedi.

Pickup is a spectator sport. It’s a performance art, It’s verbal ballet and mental Ju Jit Su. The point is to fail. Learn to fail. Failure is good.

Pickup is also a science. And that’s how most of you approach it. Scientists like formulas, and straight lines, and models and predictable results. Of course we can gather enough empirical data to prove relations like opening direct vs indirect or smiles vs frowns. The problem with the scientific model is the linear nature. Do x number approaches, test for Kino compliance. It’s totally outcome dependent.

As soon as possible, move from science to art. Be unpredictable. Push social boundaries. Experience discomfort and uncertainty. Free your mind and body from social restraint.

Stop the movie in your head. Turn off the movie. Be the movie. The movie cannot end poorly. It is your movie. Do what you want to do.

Releasing your inner insanity on a semi regular basis will thrust you light years ahead of most North Americans in terms of Social Confidence.



Meet somewhere in the middle.

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