She Flaked On Me Should I Try Again?

She’s too busy blowing snow to text you back

So she flaked on you and you’re wondering if you should try again. Hmmmm…..

Whenever a girl flakes on me, this is what I think: 

“Flakity, flakily, flakily, fuck, flakily fuck; no honor, no value, fucking back to the drawing board.”

That’s a completely accurate description of the thought process of a professional, international seduction expert. 

Can You Reverse A Flake? 

Yes, of course you can. But most likely your game sucks, and you have little of value to offer this flakey wahman, so no… you can’t. 

But if you have some hint of attraction, if you can intrigue her just slightly, you can convince a Flakeramus Vaginus to graze back into your field. 

16 Reasons Women Flake

  • Their vagina is bleeding
  • You’re ugly
  • Instagram
  • Cupcakes
  • Orange is The New Black
  • Other guy with abs
  • Snow day
  • Vegas trip
  • Racism
  • Veganism
  • Trump
  • Homework
  • Like… whatever
  • Tiny muscles
  • Stranger danger
  • Jealous Mexican lovers
  • Her phone

I could add another 93 reasons, but I’m already bored of writing this article. 

The moral is, they flake because you don’t matter. You’re a blip on her radar and pass like a fruit-fly through a cherry orchard. Your value is so low, that you might as well be a ghost. Except ghosts are intriguing. So yeah, you’re a fruit-fly. 

There’s always a chance to reverse a flake

Maybe it’s not that drastic. Perhaps you’re not a fruit fly. You could still have a chance. 

Thankfully for you, you lucky bastard, I have 3 powerful text messages guaranteed to reverse a flake:

“I hate you.” 

“I put underwear on for this.” 

“Flakeity flakester.” 

I’m too old to chase women. If she’s not all “Fuck yeah this guy is awesome and I want him inside me,” then I won’t waste too much time. If it’s through texting I will waste ZERO time. Why not be more persistent? Because been-der-done-dat. I’ve texted women, called women, emailed, Facedicked, Instatwatted women for weeks, months… to no avail. 

I’ve converted a small handful. But mostly it was just an excruciating exercise is emotional state control, lowered expectations and nascent misogyny. I want to love women, not hate them, so I won’t chase the ones that make me feel worthless. 

I don’t want to identify with anything, at all. I want to be like water, flowing, or a little frog sitting on a banana leaf. Not an angry man, pissed that a girl is texting him back. 

Chasing Women Sucks

An exception is when I’m backpacking and end up travelling with a “maybe” girl. 

With enough time and a few shared experiences I can turn most maybe’s into yes’s. It’s only a matter of time before I share some deep insightful philosophy that blows her mind, or experience some life threatening, novel worthy adventure together, or just meet some other hotter girl that makes the maybe girl jealous. 

You just can’t do that stuff over text message. 

Imagine this:. You’re at a party and you really want this super hot lady. But her stubby little Hobbit like friend has claimed you. Now all the hot girls ignore you so their Hobbit can finally get laid. The Hobbit is actually kinda awesome personality wise, so when she asks for your Instaderp you give it up. Then she messages you, asking for a coffee date. You’re like, uhhhhh, naahhhh. Not for me.” You’ll talk to her, but go out with her? Nahhhh. 

That’s what the hot girls who flake on you feel like. They think they can do better. You are a Hobbit. They just don’t know that you’re Frodo, and really awesome Hobbit. They just think you’re short and hairy and weird. 

Game Fixes This

She might think she’s better than you, but the easiest way to prove that in fact, you are better than her, is to be better. 

Go get a hotter girl than her, and bang her. Then do it again, and again. 

All you have to do is approach about ten thousand women over 2-8 years, and you could be masterful. No problem, right? 

All you have to do is get flaked on, rejected and humiliated about a thousand more times, until you don’t care anymore. 

Then you won’t give a fuck if some lady flakes on you. 

Another option is to go Dan Bilzerian. He said he set up his lifestyle so he could get laid whenever he wants, without going on dates. When asked if he feels like he’s exploiting these poor women… he says “No.” 

Of course he’s not, because women love sex and fame too. He can provide both. That’s a lot of value. 

Now, likely you’re not rich. If you are, you should hire me. But if you’re not, and you’re stressed out because some girl is flaking on you, then bro… suck it up. 

There’s no tactic that isn’t completely sociopathic, or involving Machiavellian levels of strategy, that will get you that fine ass woman. Honestly, it’s easier to go find another one. Find one that likes you at hello. Find a YES girl. 

If any female disrespects you, then disrespect her. Would you allow an employee to flake on you? No… they’d be fired. It’s on them to beg for that job. 

If the women aren’t begging to be on your team, then you’re not there yet. It will take a certain level of salesmanship to reach that level, but you can do it. 

I don’t “date” very often, but when I do, these girls BEG to be my girlfriends. They can’t get from most guys what they get from guys with game. We understand that women are extremely unsatisfied with the quality of men out there. Not just their looks, but their values, their lack of identity, of masculine values. Men have become these soy-slurping hipsters, or immature gangster wanna-be’s, or over compensating meat heads. All of them insecure, and with zero understanding of female psychology. 

I could go on and on about how stupid the modern 20 something girl is, but what’s the point? Will that help you get laid? To reverse a flake? 

You gotta pay your dues brother. I did. My friends did. 

There will come a day, where you will be flaking on hot girls. Why? Because you have better shit to do, and you’re in high demand. That’s the goal? Either that or go MGTOW, go your own way and stop giving a shit about women, sex, dating, love and romance and all of that. Those are your options. Either of those or sit in limbo, in the middle, without choice, or control of your destiny. 

The choice is yours. 

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