Are You Having Fun? I Am


Dear newbies. The most important aspect of flirtation is fun. And it’s the point most students fail to embrace.

When you are out to find a new girlfriend, and you’re at the party, notice the energy around you. Are people cheering, laughing, embracing? If you were to imagine an experience points bar like in a video game, representing their fun, where would you place yourself in relation to those at the apex?

When I go out to teach, often I’m tired, a little nervous, a little introverted. This is how everyone feels when they first arrive, especially at clubs. If you go out early enough you’ll see that the general energy and happiness of everyone is low. The general, “State,” is low. But throughout the night, the energy and fun increases.

It is your job to bring the joy and happiness to others. Don’t worry about being amazing at socializing. Don’t fret over, “what to say.” Just start small. Start with high fives. Walk around and either fist bump, or give cheers. Giving just small amounts of value, with positive emotions, will spread like a ripple in a pond. And anything you give, will be returned.

The law of state-transference is: Whatever you feel, she feels.

If you go out with the intent to, “Pickup a chick,” you’re already defeating yourself. People will sense your insecure agenda, and you will come off as creepy. Instead, focus on having a good time, and sharing your positive feelings with others.

Let out a, “Whoop,” from time to time.

Go to the dance floor and show off your five cheesiest moves.

High five ten people.

Give someone a compliment.

Hug your friends.

Tell a fart joke.

Do whatever it takes to put yourself in a good social mood. Sometimes this process takes a minute, sometimes hours. Sometimes it doesn’t arrive at all. But if you give enough value, your state will increase until you feel that joy of socializing. Women notice men like this. Men with this talent.

If you can’t find the inner joy, don’t resist it. Where is that feeling in your body? In the chest, or the stomach? Isolate it, take a breath and go, “There you are.” Realize that your body is a mechanical chariot. It needs to be maintained.

If you can’t find your joy, beyond your social anxiety, this might have something to do with diet, purpose, deep rooted insecurity, emotional baggage, or internal dialogue. You might need a lifestyle atleration, or a philosophical change.

But if you feel low in the beginning, by using the above method, you should be able to increase your state to the point that you are the one having the most fun. And girls like fun guys. They will notice.

Seduction is another story.

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