What Motivates Men?

“Tony, I know I need to learn game. But how do I find the motivation to go out?”

It’s a very common question.

My answer is this: What motivated men to build the world we live in?

Women, of course.

What other motivation do you need?

Jordan Peterson, brilliant professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, sums up the answer in a quote from this lecture:

“Men use the image of female perfection to motivate themselves.”

He illustrates an example from the tale of Huckleberry Finn:

“Tom Sawyer is about twelve years old, and he’s still hanging around with his friends, like Huck Finn, and this girl moves across the street, Becky. And she comes out, and he’s struck by her. For the first time in his life, something’s changed. And the first thing he does is hop up on a picket fence, and show off, and balance in front of her. And he’s saying ‘Well look at me, look at me.’ He’s like the male bower bird building something beautiful so the female will approve of it. It’s motivation.”

What motivation do you need to approach women, other than women themselves? Deep down, all men are Huck Finn, or Bower Birds.

Our primary drive is to reproduce. 

If you’re not in touch with this drive, then make that your primary focus.

If you don’t build that nest, ruffle your feathers, do the dance, some other, more motivated bird will.

Increase your testosterone, exercise, stop masturbating, quit porn.

Surround yourself with attractive women and motivation will be the least of your worries.

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One Comment

  1. Definitely agree that women is a huge motivator for men, especially from an ego-psych prospect. Yet different men who pursue different paths are primarily motivated by different things. Another well known internet personality calls them the 4 M’s: Mating. Mastery. Money. Momentum. Pick one that suits your wiring and use it as a carrot to dangle in front of yourself for motivation. I’d say that’s accurate.

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