Work Small, Think Big


Is Tony a workaholic?

Some readers assume I’m a workaholic hell bent on world domination, completely focused, always happy, forever in the zone, totally organized, in shape, with dozens of nines vying for my attention.

I wish this was the case. But it’s not. My life is a work in progress just like yours.

Back in 2007 I was still terrified of approaching a woman in a bar, or on the street. So I joined the Montreal pua lair. I expected the group to consist of dozens of highly experienced players, who went out every night, pulled girls with ease and were living the dream.

Not quite.

Most of these guys didn’t go out much. There was a small core of about six guys that religiously practiced, including myself. And out of these newbies, I was the best. Why was I the best? Because I went out and practiced more often, more scientifically than they did.

Small chunk your life

Years later many of those original lair members ended up paying me to teach them. Most of these guys went out on power sessions, leaving their house at 9pm on a Friday night, and then returning at 4am Saturday morning. They would do this once a week, instead of my strategy of a few hours every night. The pyramids were built one stone at a time too. No ufo dropped those idols in the desert.

When guys hear this story, they think that it must have been a lot of work, but it wasn’t. I went out two to three hours on weeknights, and maybe thirty minutes of daygame on my lunchbreak. It was easy for me because there was nothing that interested me more than game.

When I wrote my first novel, I only worked on it one or two hours a day, for about a year. It wasn’t a chore at all.

I’m a bit chubby right now, so I’m going to the gym an hour a day. In a year maybe I’ll have big muscles. Instead of going to the gym three days a week for two hours, I go five days a week for one.

When I started this website my intention was to share my ideas with a few guys. I had no idea it would become my full time career. Building a blog was relatively easy. I used WordPress and hired someone for $200 to install it. I have a handful of nerd friends that me when I’m stuck. But really, anyone can start a blog.

If you want to create big things, or make big changes in your lifestyle, you only need to start small. What is two hours an evening after work if you’re single?

If you think that I work (outside of infield coaching) more than four hours a day, you’d be wrong. In my own opinion I’m a slacker. I should be focused on my goals completely. I still procrastinate. I still haven’t reached my financial goals. I still feel disorganized. But by chipping away at it a few hours a day, I’ll eventually create the lifestyle I want.

And then I’ll probably be completely dissatisfied and change my entire life’s mission again.

You can always change your mission

The ability to remain focused on one task for long hours at a time, especially the boring ones we all put off, like doing our taxes or fixing small problems in our lives, is essential to power and success. But it’s very rare that anyone can do this long term without burning out. But those who can achieve great success in their fields. I’ve heard that office workers only put in about 20 percent of real work a day, and the rest of the time is spent “researching” or checking Facebook. I’m not much different than that, but at least my 20 percent is for me, and not some faceless boss who don’t give a shit about my life.

If you want to find your focus, instead of looking at the enormity of the task, just chip away at one aspect for an hour or two a day. Turn off Netfilx and go approach a few women, or write a blog post, or go for a run, or read an educational book. Don’t stress yourself over the enormity of the big picture.

Work small, think big.


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  1. Great post. It can be very difficult to step back from the end result and focus on the first step. Needed to read this today.

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