Discipline and Responsibility

discipline“Discipline” and “Responsibility”: The two big traits that separate the high achievers from the low.

Rather than acting the perpetual victim, you should take responsibility for your situation, both externally, and internally; not only for your worldly affairs, but also your inner, emotional state.

So for example, if you feel angry because your bathroom is a mess and the roommates aren’t doing their part, just do it yourself. If they are wise roommates they may feel some sort of shame, and maybe they will improve in the future. But the chances are slim. It’s just better to do their work, and in the meantime look for a new apartment with new roommates, or no roommates at all. This is taking responsibility for your situation, and not placing blame, or claiming victimhood. 

You want to be the boss? Well who solves the bosses problems? The boss. The disciplined one. 

The perpetual victim when faced with adversity, delegates the responsibility through blame:

“I can’t go to the gym, because my job doesn’t pay me enough to afford a gym pass. If only they would give me a raise.” (Blaming the employer).

“I can’t meet a woman because I don’t like nightclubs. If nightclubs were more fun for me, I would go.” (Blaming society).

“I can’t travel abroad and gain life experiences because I have a cat and nobody will take care of it.” (Blaming family).

They are the victims of a bad childhood, of their skin colour, of their height, of their economic situation, of their lack of education. Rather than taking responsibility. They blame genetics, or outside forces for their misery,

The responsible and disciplined man does not place blame; he seeks solutions and puts in the time and work necessary to solve his problems.

The act of problem solving develops discipline, which in turn fosters self-esteem, and personal strength.

Are you lacking discipline, and are you taking responsibility? Try bringing daily awareness to how it is you react to hardship.

Is a problem in your life something you will solve when you have a better job, or live in a better city? Is it something you will solve when you can afford a life coach?

What is something that you can do RIGHT NOW to improve your situation?

Are you depressed? Stuck? Start by taking responsibility for your emotional state:

“I’m depressed, and I don’t like it.” (Taking responsibility for your emotional state).

“I am lonely because I am not being social.” (Taking responsibility for your relationships).

“I am fat because I do not monitor my diet or exercise.” (Taking responsibility for your health).

“I am dull to speak with because I have not developed my mind by reading great books, travelling abroad, or attending cultural events.” (Taking responsibility for your education).

You cannot solve a problem by saying “It’s not my problem.” The problem still exists and will plague you in your anxiety ridden dreams.

The extent that people go to avoid taking responsibility is absurd. You must accept that you are the only one who will solve your problem. Even if your yard is overgrown with weeds, at least make the action of hiring someone to pull them.

Not creating the art you wish? Is it because you “just don’t know how”?

Start by taking responsibility. Read a book, or watch an educational video. Do something that is working towards solving your problem—instead of waiting for it to solve itself. It won’t.

Taking Responsibility + Action = Discipline

This is the path to happiness, power and self-esteem.

***Sign up for a free webinar on “Fostering The Motivation To Succeed” this Friday, Oct 30th, at 7pm Pacific.***

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One Comment

  1. What babies and children learn really gets burnt into their brain.
    Got sick off say…green beans when you were little? You’ll likely spend the rest of your life hating beans. That is how nature is.

    Imagine growing up abused,beaten,starved,neglected,never hugged and shown ZERO affection,verbally and mentally abused constantly till you ran away from home at 14…. then get back to me how you’d feel….

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