Do You Believe In Yourself?

Even without his Hammer, Thor is still an ass kicker

The biggest problem I see with newbies is not their inability to find the balls to approach a girl, or their lack of knowing, “what to say,” but disbelief in their own worth; the idea that they’re, “broken,” and need to, “be fixed.”

Now let’s say you have a serious mental illness, like PTSD, or Dementia. Perhaps you are legitimately broken. This fact will have zero bearing on your ability or lack-thereof to seduce a woman. Why? Because until there is a miracle breakthrough in science, you are stuck with your limitation. So, your solution is to work around it.

Like when you’re driving a truck through the forest and encounter a log. If you have a miracle device, like a saw or axe, you cut through the tree. But if you don’t, instead of giving up, you find another route.

Most guys see their path to dating success as a road littered not with road logs, but mental logs, as if their cowardice and underdeveloped creativity is outside themselves, and can’t be fixed without a miracle tool.

All the tools you need, are inside yourself

There’s a reason why this blog is sparse on psychological techniques and gambits, and primarily promotes creativity, problem solving, work ethic and abundance mentality. Because seduction like all skills, is one you learn by solving problems.

You Are Not Broken

Do you consider yourself too short, too dumb, too ugly, too poor, too whatever race you are, to attract women? This is a flaw in your thinking. Aside from plastic surgery ask yourself, “What can I do about it?” If the answer is nothing, then work on the inside, on your inner game, while at the same time taking action by:

Improving your appearance via: dressing well, grooming, working out.

Improving your social skills and social opportunity by: Going to social events, or approaching random people on the street for small talk.

Improving your inner-self by: Meditating, reading books, spending time with supportive family and peer groups, creating art, and spending time in nature.

These lists could be expanded upon, but those are just a few ideas.

As for the secret pua tips that will ensure you access to the finest females this side of Asgard, you have this blog’s archives, as well as the six thousand other ebooks, Youtube vids and blogs you can find with a few simple Google searches.

Though none of them will matter until you quit living in the past, clasping to your broken-man identity, and start believing in yourself.

***I don’t have a bootcamp schedule. I go where clients ask me to go. Contact me for a free consultation.***

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One Comment

  1. Great post. In so much of life – well beyond romantic endeavors – we limit ourselves due to self doubt and insecurity. I love to read about inner game, mindfulness, etc. The Eastern philosophy type topics. Abundance mentality goes a long way in many areas of life.

    Thanks for your posts and content. Hope to see more Youtube content in the future.

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