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Are You Addicted to Mediocrity and Absorber Activities?

video_game_addictionI’m currently in a battle for the impressionable young minds of my little brothers. One is 15, the other is 18. The fifteen year old is obese. He’s also incredibly talented as an artist, except that he never practices. He’s finally going to the gym though, which is good. We were hanging out the other day and following dinner he went for the ice cream. I said, “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Ice cream?” he said.

“Drink water.”


Our father died 15 years ago, and my stepmother has pampered and spoiled them.

The 18 year old is in great shape because he works out, but he has no ambition other than getting an “easy” job. Currently he works on an assembly line for $14 an hour.

I’ve been “consulting” them on game, self-development, entrepreneurialism, and self-education. By consulting it’s mostly me saying, “that’s cool, have you considered that playing DOTA all day is turning you into a boring and stupid slug?” And even though they “agree” with me, they both have a monkey on their back which is keeping them from happiness and success…

gamingThey are both addicted to video games.

I’ve always been intrigued by video games, and I’ve spent far too many hours playing the Battlefield series (COD is for chumps.) Understand, to this day, I still play video games. But I also manage to work out, read a book every few weeks, write blog posts, books, date multiple women and run a small business. So take a guess what I feel is my own biggest weakness? I’d say it’s escapism. Instead of writing a new post, or going out, sometimes I smoke a joint and play video games. Sometimes I waste an entire day playing video games. But I always manage to wake up and turn the thing off, sometimes for a month at a time.

Now my brothers…they play video games. But they play it ALL FUCKING DAY AND NIGHT. I think they read books because one day I brought a backpack full of books and dumped it on their table.

“These are called books. If you don’t read books, you will be a stupid schmuck. You will die a pathetic beta male, working like a slave for peanuts under some wise entrepreneur. You will wonder why you’re always depressed,  never laid, usually fat, and quite ignorant to the ways of the world. Throughout history intelligent men and women have foregone escapism to sit down and spend several years of their life writing these epic tomes of knowledge. So please, please pick one up and open it. Just read for ten minutes. That’s all I ask.”

I also made them watch The Matrix. I made them watch Tyson. I made them read David Deangelo. And I’m afraid I come off as preachy, as if my life is so good and perfect (my life is pretty awesome actually.)

I’m afraid for them. I’m afraid for humanity. But if I can start with my little brothers, maybe I can help the world. Maybe I can help myself.

If you’re a video game addict (more than 4 hours per day of video games) then the next time you’re playing that game you’ve already played for 200 hours, ask yourself, “Is this making me happy, or am I just repeating a pattern, inside a program, like a fucking hamster sucking on a nicotine infused water bottle?”

  • Are you having regular sex with hot girls?
  • Are you growing your own business, or achieving regular respect and promotions at work?
  • Are you producing art at regular intervals?
  • Are you working out?
  • Are you travelling abroad?
  • Are you creating an interesting life worth writing or making a movie about?gaming2

Chances are, if you play more than 4 hours of video games a day, you are not that pleased or stimulated by life. That’s a broad assumption. But what if you don’t play video games? Let’s look at other addictive time wasters like:

  • Network Television
  • Netflix
  • Porn
  • Celebrity Gossip
  • Sports television

I’m all for consuming culture, even video games, in SMALL DOSES. However, when you feel like working in a factory for $14 an hour is a good deal because “it’s easy” I want smash your computer. I want to burn your Xbox. I want you all to wake the fuck up, and get out of the fucking matrix!

Because if you can’t even try, why should I? I don’t want to be alone at the top. I want my family and friends up there with me. Turn it off and do something that matters. Don’t waste the physical human experience. It’s short. It will be over soon. And you WILL regret not living, taking chances, and creating a life worth living.

Make real life your game, and play it well – with ambition, intent and skill. See you at the peak.

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  1. Tony D,

    I wish you were my older brother right now. I’m a bit of a video game addict too. Lately I’ve been trying to learn guitar, lose weight, read more, and I go out and practice pickup every weekend at the least. But the world of video games and internet is so much easier and soothing that it makes me put those things off. Your post makes me kind of depressed because those kids are 15/18 and I am 24!

    I currently have no job and live with my parents. I did graduate from college with a BA in geography and have plans to go into a cartography career, but I have entertained the idea of entrepreneurship…I just have no idea what kind of service/product I could provide because I currently don’t have any monetizable skill! Wow…I am starting to ramble now…I guess I feel sad is all (I literally want to cry now) Any way, any idea what you would say to me if I was your bro?

  2. You have hands. You have a brain. Get on Craigslist and sell something. Sell you old shoes. Wash someone’s car. Walk their dog.

    It doesn’t matter what you do. The lesson and path will come from “doing.”

    Sell your game console and use the money to take a class. A dance class. An acting class. An entrepreneurial class.

    Do something. Anything. You’re a college graduate. The only thing really useful you learned was how to finish a project. So finish a project, exchange a product or service for money. Let us know what you did.


    1. Tony D,

      I think it’s all good to say “sell your console,” but that doesn’t really apply to those who use their PC and get their games from torrents.

  3. I have a younger bro & sis. They both smoke too much maryjane and have little ambition it seems. Sister is a talented artist as well. My brother is starting to come around a little. People really need to watch they don’t over do it with the weed. (more than 1x a day kills your motivation)

    Wish I had an older bro to guide me when I was younger.

    Playing vid games when you’re young ain’t so bad.

    I used to play Mike Tysons punch out for hours when i was 12.
    Then NHL 95 when I first got the super nintendo. I played that at least 3 hours a day for several months. There were so many great games.
    Ken Griffey baseball
    Super Metroid
    Super Punch out (got all the fastest knock out records)

    Once I was around 17 I started hitting the clubs though and realized how many hot broads were out there!! Video games then took a back seat.

    I still play the ps3 a couple times per week though.

  4. What kind of production line job is that that pays $14 per hour? I would like to know so I could possible apply there. I know it’s not the optimal job in the long run, but it would help me out of this crappy rut I’m in now. I have one of those min wage jobs, and have a manager who doesn’t really give a crap about how they treat their employees – it doesn’t get much worse.

    I obviously left a fake email address, just so I could post here, so please respond on this page so I can view your response

    * “[DOT]” subsituted for a period so the website wouldn’t filter out the web page.

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