How To Make a Woman Addicted To You

What makes a woman addicted to you, so that she keeps coming back for more and more? 

Keep reading young Padawan and I’ll tell you how to make your woman a total romance junkie.

But Why?

Because constantly searching for new women to fuel our own romance addiction kind of sucks. Doesn’t it?

Is Romance Addiction Even Real? 

Addiction may sound like a negative term, and in many ways it is.

I have friends who’ve been addicted to cocaine, alcohol, meth, painkillers, anti-depressants, alcohol, and some all at the same time. 

These were all chemical addictions. But is it possible to be addicted to something that does not introduce foreign compounds to your body? 

Heck yes.

Addiction can occur when a person develops a psychological or physical dependence on a particular behaviour, substance, or activity. 

Such addictions are commonly referred to as “behavioural” addictions or “process” addictions.

Addiction like: 

  • Food addiction
  • Internet and gaming addiction
  • Gambling addiction 
  • Shopping addiction
  • Sex addiction (we don’t like to admit that exists around here tho) 
  • Hair plucking
  • Nail biting
  • And so forth… 

Anything that gives the user a little bit of satisfaction can become an addiction. That includes being addicted to you, her lover. 

Her Romance Addiction is a Choice? 

a woman holding a glowing object in her hands

Becoming an addict isn’t always something that is pressed upon us, but often a series of conscious choices. 

An obese food addict wakes up every day and decides to overeat and live a sedentary life. 

In the same way, a woman who is addicted to you makes the choice to become addicted to you. She makes the choice to keep coming back for more, and more of you, even if it’s against her best interest. 

Isn’t that what every man wants in a lover? A woman who just can’t get enough of your love? 

Well, sometimes. 

Addicts can be unpredictable, unreliable, and untrustworthy. 

Sex Addict Susanne

When I was younger I had a girlfriend named Susanne. When we were apart she told me how much she loved having sex, and that it was like she was “addicted” to it. 

If she was going to be a sex junkie I might as well be her pusher. 

However, she found her fix not only from me but also from other, more experienced men. I don’t know how many men Susanne banged, but one eventually impregnated her, and it wasn’t me. 

However, she led me to believe it was mine, right up until her abortion. 

I even went with her to the clinic, figuring that since she was my girlfriend (she wasn’t but I was young and naive) it was my responsibility to care for her. 

Sex Addiction vs Romance Addiction

Sex addiction is not the same as romance addiction. 

Some women will remain in toxic, emotionally and even physically abusive relationships because they’re addicted to the emotions.  

Women love emotions. They prefer positive emotions, but feeling anything is preferable to nothing at all.

Don’t take my word for it. Here is world-renowned psychologist and New York Times best-selling author Dr. Jordan Peterson on the subject of why women love the bad (disagreeable) boys. 

It’s not just the sex these women crave, but the entire adventure of seducing the beast and taming it: the female hero’s journey. 

Like the junkie must decide to continue shooting her drug, these women will continue to hook up with disagreeable males, craving those powerful emotions only a disagreeable man can give them, deepening their neurological dependency as their brain literally rewires itself into attachment, which inevitably becomes entanglement. 

While giving a woman great sex can make a woman addicted to you, sex is an easily obtained commodity. A beautiful woman can find great sex relatively easily. 

Giving her great romance, on the other hand, is something very difficult to find. Most men believe romance is treating a woman to dinner, complimenting and buying her flowers. 

If they only knew the true desires that lay deep in her psyche. If you want an idea, read Nancy Friday’s “Secret Garden.” You will find every female sexual fetish and romantic fantasy and discover just how dark it can be. 

Why do People Become Addicted? 

A man talking to a pretty girl at the park

In order to find out why women become addicted to men, let’s first take a look at why people with drug addictions put themselves in addictive situations in the first place. 

I’m not going to look at all addictions, as that would be beyond the scope of this article. Otherwise, I’d be covering food addiction, shopping addiction, gaming addiction, toenail-biting addictions, bum-sniffing, and on and on ad infinitum. 

“But aren’t these habits, not addictions, you ask? 

Habit is a behaviour that can be modified or stopped with relative ease, while addiction is uncontrollable, compulsive, and often requires professional intervention to stop it. 

So in that case, habits can become addictions. 

Now, is an addiction to romance as bad as an addiction to heroin? Is addiction to reading self-improvement literature equal to incessant scalp-picking? 

People become addicted because they prefer altered states to consistent states. If their consistent state is boredom, misery, or apathy, a substance, or an experience can easily change that state. 

Why Do People Try Addictive Substances? 

Few people become addicted on purpose… unless they’re trying to piss off their parents. 

However many people play with fire knowing very well they could get burned. That’s because fire is fun, useful, and dangerous. 

I’ll list the reasons someone may try addictive drugs below. 

*Note* If you want to know how to make a woman addicted to you, replace the “drug” with a “disagreeable man.” 

Here are some reasons people experiment with addictive substances (or disagreeable men): 

Curiosity: I wonder what this drug will make me feel like. Will it change me? Will I learn something useful? Is it fun? 

Rebellion: Authority in my life cannot control what I put in my body. This will show them I’m in control of my life. I make my own decisions. This dangerous activity will piss them off and give me a feeling of control. 

Peer Pressure: You meet some cool friends who all like drugs, so I’ll do them too and be just like them. 

Stress: Life is pissing me off so in order to chill out I’ll get stoned. 

Emotions: I feel sad and if I take this drug I might feel happier. 

Escape: I want an escape from difficult life situations. Drugs whisk me off to a fantasy world where everything is okay. 

Thrills: I want the excitement of altering my consciousness and journeying into the unknown 

Influence: People I admire in the media are using drugs. Since I admire them, I will try drugs too and be just like them. 

Pleasure: Drugs pump up my emotions (dopamine) and make me feel good. 

Ignorance: I’m just naive or impulsive and haven’t thought through the consequences of taking a drug. 

Now read it again, and think of how you could be her drug. 

Are you a thrilling, influential, exciting, dangerous man? Or a simpy nice guy? 

Become Her Addiction

a man talking to a pretty blonde girl at the mall

Give her emotions, thrills, escape, pleasure, tickle her curiosity, relieve her stress, and be her rebellion. 

Give her this, while only allowing her a small taste. Never give her everything you have, or she’ll become completely satisfied. 

She must know that she can only get her fix from you, and only you. If you give her your entire supply, her addiction will be satiated, the mystery will be revealed, and you will lose her attraction. 

Watch this scene from A Street Car Named Desire, where Blanche Dubois gets her first taste of Stanley. 

Notice how Stanley uses his carefree charisma, his ownership of his territory, and how he screeches like a cat, causing Blanche to visibly jump. All those emotions in one scene! 

This man just oozes bad-boy sex appeal, while at the same time he is within her reach, yet unobtainable. 

Being her sister’s husband makes seducing him even more enticing. It’s the forbidden drug and she just had a little taste. 

Give her a tiny sample, but not the entire supply. 

What Are The Signs of a Romantic Addiction?

What does it feel like from her perspective if a woman is addicted to you? 

  • She has obsessive and compulsive thoughts and preoccupation with you. 
  • An overwhelming need for constant validation and approval from you. 
  • Neglecting your personal responsibilities and priorities to be with you. 
  • Experiencing intense emotional highs and lows based on your responses to her.
  • Losing her sense of self and personal identity as the individual becomes overly absorbed in the relationship with you. 

While these all sound terrible and you’re probably a horrible guy for making her addicted to you…

It’s better she’s addicted to you – rather than someone,or something else. 

How to Make A Woman Addicted to You – Self Development

How do you make a woman addicted to you? 

Be an amazing man 

The subject of being an amazing man is a grand one. It involves a multi-faceted approach of constant, life-long, self-improvement. 

This includes: 

  • Being a man of your world and doing the thing you say you’re going to do. 
  • Going to the gym and creating a body that you’re proud of. 
  • Being great at your career, whether that’s as an employee or a self-employed entrepreneur. 
  • Having a tight social circle of other men and women who are in alignment with your core values (being awesome at life.
  • Having Game (understanding female attraction psychology on a deep level) 
  • Developing your intellect by reading profound books (or listening to audiobooks) 
  • Learning masculine skills like wilderness survival, carpentry, and mechanics. 
  • Honing artistic skills like guitar, painting, poetry, magic, and more…

This list can go on, and on. 

The gist is you must become the most interesting man in the world. 

You must be a rock in her stormy harbour. 

You must be both the best sex, and the highest source of wisdom, entertainment, and authority in her world.

You will be the most amazing man she’s ever met.  

Can you fake being amazing? 

A fake spiderman

Men fake the bad-boy archetype all the time. 

Why else are men who grow up with stable families in the suburbs covering their faces with tattoos as if they just got out of prison? They think it makes them look dangerous, wise, or experienced… without actually being any of that. 

If you want a cheat code, just become a low-level gangster rapper. You could get a neck tattoo and buy a motorcycle. You could buy a bass guitar, practice for three months and join a punk band. 

But these are mere cosmetic enhancements. 

You are already on the way to being a better man. Just keep going and don’t quit.

You want to become powerful, rich, wise, well-read, muscular, funny, and brave. 

You should face death in the eye and laugh. 

I may sound melodramatic, but I’m serious. 

When is the last time you…

  • Did something truly dangerous? 
  • Read a great book? 
  • Lifted weights? 
  • Fought with your fists against another man? 
  • Wrote a song, a screenplay, or built a house with your own hands? 
  • Travelled alone in a foreign country? 
  • Ventured into the forest for a week with only what you could carry on your back? 
  • Approached a very attractive woman? 
  • Faced death? 

If you’re this type of man, a man who can protect, entertain, enlighten, and enrapture.  

You must also know deep down that you can always find another woman. 


To make a woman addicted to you, give her what no other man can give her. 

Ruin her for every man that comes after you. 

Be the best lover, the wisest, intelligent, fun, exciting, mysterious, intoxicating man she’s ever, and ever will be with, and she will be yours for life. 

Just be wary of the consequences. 

A junkie without her fix can be dangerous, both to themselves and those around them. 

Take care of her needs, and she will be yours for as long as you desire.

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