
Self-Reliance and Manliness

Most of my students contact me not because they lack charm, or courage; more so, they lack self-reliance. They lack the ability to carry their own weight.

Early in my own development, there were no wingmen. I was forced to go out alone. It was scary enough to make me pretend to talk on my cellphone (fear of looking bad). But, night after night, rejection after rejection, success after success, I developed a skill that brought more than vagina.


It also affected my professional life. When I got stuck on a certain task, instead of approaching my managers for help, I would solve the problem myself. When other co-workers were lazy, instead of complaining or ratting them out I would complete their work. It didn’t take long for my managers to notice and I was promptly promoted. I doubled my income in one month.

On the final day of my bootcamps, my students get to play a game I call, “All By Myself.” Their mission is simple: Approach women without the coach’s prodding, and return with photo evidence. Failure to do so results in public humiliation (I have many forms of torture at my disposal. Muahahaha).

I’m not advocating my readers should shun companionship in favour of social isolation. I don’t wish to inspire a generation of cock loaded Uni-Bombers hiding in the hills with stashes of seduction products, zinc and Viagra pills. But even within a tribe, the members with the greatest degree of self-reliance often become the most valuable members of society. They know their job, how to do it, and they complete their tasks without complaint or unrequired direction.

Here’s a simple step towards self-reliance. The next time you have a question, instead of asking someone from your group, Google the answer and share it. Instead of pushing your friends to approach women, approach them yourself, and then introduce the women to your group. Instead of staying home because you have no available wingman, go out alone. Instead of complaining that you are broke, devise a strategy to increase your income and implement it.

If you cannot take care of yourself, you must be a child, elderly, disabled, sick, or a beggar. A man should be self-reliant.

We’re social creatures. Friends are good. Teachers are useful and necessary. But realize that there comes a time you must let go of your metaphorical teat and tackle the mission of becoming a man. Be like the children of the Spartan Empire and throw yourself to the wild to be raped by wolves. Your butt will heal and you will wear the broken teeth of your slain enemies like a trophy to world stating, “Yes, I am now a Man.”

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