
Social Status and Social Death

I was talking to a Venezualan friend last night about the extreme flakiness of hot women. He’s been with over one hundred or so.

“Man,” He says. “They have a cavity. Everything goes inside of them. We shoot out. That’s why they are afraid. They also want everything. You have to give them everything. Women are selfish, just like us.”

I laughed. It makes sense. Women have far more to lose from a bad sexual or relationship decision than men. Women can get pregnant, they can contract std’s (easier), they can become entangled with a controlling, needy or extremely jealous man. He could be violent, or mentally abusive. He could be broke and lack ambition. Topping this cake of blue balls is the fact that most hot women have sexual options. They might not have Mr. Right but they always have Mr. Right Now.

But hookups aren’t what they really want. More than anything, they want a man with status and power.

For women, a man’s power and status has an aphrodisial affect. Status trumps good looks, money and game. This goes back to the cave man theory. He who controls the tribe can protect and provide for the women and their children. Therefore, he and his lieutentants get all the women. If another male member of the tribe desires some action, then he must step up and challenge the alpha, which could result in the challenger’s death–Social Death.

In our relatively safe, modern age, challenger death has been replaced with social failure. If we fuck up, we don’t die, we just embarrass ourselves.

Women understand this on a subconscious level. They don’t require their men to be hunters and slayers, but instead they seek social achievers. We’ve adapted our social conditioning, but not our biological instincts.

Modern North American women don’t need us to provide food and shelter. There’s plenty of money to go around. Many women are educated, and able to make more money than the average man. So the need for protection is replaced with the need for status.

Our standards have changed. Instead of requiring shelter, food, and weapons. We require new clothes, expensive schooling for our kids, electronic gadgets and car payments. Not to mention our addiction to celebrity culture. Everyone thinks they’re going to be a star. The easiest way to be a star, is to attach yourself to a star.

Imagine two situations. In one, the man approaches a girl with an opener, hooks her, blabs his game for several minutes and leaves with her phone number.

In situation two, the man is introduced by a friend who holds the man in high regard. After the man gets the phone number, the woman asks questions about him to her social group. The man is spoken of highly, with respect and mention of his prowess and accomplishments.

Who has a better chance of getting laid?

I’ve experienced this so many times. If you are introduced, or spoken highly of, your chances of seducing the woman increases tenfold. It’s called social proof. You are cool, you are safe, you have social standing within her tribe.

About flakiness: We can bitch and whine and cry about how flaky women are. But this is like getting pissed at a cat that runs when you try to put it in a box. Unless the cat has chosen to make the box it’s home, or it completely trusts you, there’s no way in hell it will subject itself to entrapment. It’s against the natural law.

Expecting a woman to fall head over heels for you because you speak poetically or wear a fedora is going against her nature and social programming.

If you have an attractive female friend, bring her to a party, and instruct her to make showcase you. Have her on your arm, have her laugh at your jokes, and have her introduce you to women. It’s almost predictable. Other women will stare at you, they will flick their hair, and they will go out of their way to bump into you. Why? Because you’ve been selected by an attractive woman. This says you must be valuable, safe, and have status. Otherwise, why would she have choosen you? Why would this woman put herself on display with a man that might spawn her social death?

For women, social death is more terrifying than an unwanted pregnancy. This is because social death in cave man days would mean banishment from the tribe, into the wild to raped by marauders, or eaten by wild creatures.

Being perceived as a slut, used to be social death, as most high status men desire pure, virginal archetypes. It’s only thanks to feminism that the, “slut,” has come to be applauded. This is also biology at work. If a man believes his woman to be easy, then his sacred seed comes into question. “Did I knock her up? Why is my baby Asian?”

How to gain social status

Whenever possible, do things that cause others to speak highly of you. Get on stage at every opportunity. Become the host. Start a band, throw a party, score the point in the game. The more that people talk about you, the more that attractive women will gravitate towards you. It’s as predictable as the way men drool when a twenty one year old with large breasts walks down a beach. Women like guys with status.

You can meet women without any of this. But you’re fighting an uphill battle. To erase flakes, become more interesting, and more popular. Stop asking for phone numbers. Instead, give yours out. Allude to your busy and interesting life. Be mysterious and productive and spoken of.

The ultimate strategy for social and seductive power is this: Become incredibly interesting to as many people as possible.

Even serial killers have groupies. Such is the power of social proof. Sad, but true.

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