Addicted to Growth

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Self-development can be some kind of an addiction. I spend most of my time working on my mind and reading plenty of books, targeting areas like creativity, productivity and income generation (this is my art too). I spend a moderate amount of time on exercise and nutrition. It all adds up. Cold approach is a great skill to acquire but don’t think all your problems are solved because you can pick up chicks.

Short lived habits are good

Consider that your personality does not exist. Your tastes are not your own. Your preferences were installed. You were given the illusion that you don’t have a choice. I’m here to tell you that you do. You don’t need to stick to one belief system. Explore and learn everything you can.


You are attractive enough.

You are smart.

You are creative.

You’re a rough stone waiting to be cut and polished.

But until you are aware and conscious, you will be a slave to the unseen forces that control your fate. While you toil away at your shit job with your destructive relationships and lazy habits, others are having amazing sex, writing books, travelling the world, building hobby farms, painting and selling art, winning martial arts competitions and living the dream.

Your mind controls your emotions and your emotions control your body. Learn mastery over these three elements of Mind, Body and Emotion…and anything is possible. Unless you have a job clearing land mines in Iraq. In that case you’re fucked. I’m sorry.

The next time you go out, instead of focusing on approaching girls, focus on a loftier goal. Focus on kissing girls, or even taking them home. You’ll usually get from life what you ask of it. Ask for more.

Book to Read: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.

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  1. This post resonated well with me today. I have enjoyed reading around the website and i think posts like this are even more important than those focusing only on women. Success in other areas of life will give one the feeling of entitlement raise expectations for ones self. People, not just women, notice this and become drawn to your positive energy. You are helping me realize more and more. Thanks

  2. I’ve never experienced this.I know a lot of PUA’s who focus on lifestyle development,they say the same thing also(that one can get addicted to growth).I just never experienced that.Same as being addicted to success even with picking up women.At the height of my Game(few years ago),I never really noticed an addicting to my success when I started being flaked on a ton.

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