“These Aren’t the Droids You’re Looking For”: Mind Control for Dummies.

One awesome side effect of learning game is developing frame control. Really, there are so many great side effects they are too numerous to fathom…but this article is about bending the Matrix with controlled authority.

Your frame is essentially your mental, emotional and physical stability. Like when someone yells at you at work, do you yell back? Or remain calm and present? If a girl tells you to “Go away hairy chest man!” (That’s just me) do you freak out and call her a dumb bitch, or lose state and run home crying and smashing random windshields? Do you sell your stocks and take up cocaine?

No, you are cool, far too cool. Frame control is personal power. It’s sort of like being a c-list actor.

For Cheap Thrill Seekers

Last night I walk up with my friend in tow, past the line to a bouncer guarding a bar entrance. I do this without thought; straight up entitlement. The bouncer looks at me and I tell him, “We’re with the band.”

He looks sold. “Oh what band?”

“Hootie and the Blowfish.” I reply. (Inside myself I actually believe that I am Hootie, even though I’m 33 and white. Belief is the method).

“Oh…” he says, “umm, yeah just hang on. “And then the door guy lumbers off and out of sight…so I open the door and usher us in. It’s funny; they don’t even have a band that night. They don’t even have a stage.

Inside we encounter a second bouncer, like a bridge troll. “Stamps please,” he asks dryly.

I show him my wrists and it’s obvious there are no stamps. The bouncer looks confused so I hold my wrist closer. “Can’t you see it?” I ask. Not batting an eye, pulse rate normal…full belief that I am indeed…Hootie.

“I don’t see it,” he says, confused.

“I wash my hands dude. Lots,” I motion washing my wrists.

“Hang on, I have to go find my manager,” he says, but a line up is forming and he has sweat on his brow. I actually start to feel a bit annoyed. The audacity! How dare he? (As if I’m not a total bluffer).

Finally the ape comes back and says, “Ok come on in.”

And that’s that. We’re both in. What scammers! Frame control at its finest.

I call this maneuver, “The Queen of France.” Would the Queen of France ask for permission? Or be doubtful about her sense of entitlement? No! The bitch does what she wants, when she wants. She stands straight, and walks straight past lines. She is no peasant to wait like cattle for a club…she’s top shelf royalty!

Anyway I just thought I would give you an example of how learning pickup can help other aspects of life. Whether you want to be a police officer, or a con artist, maintaining a solid frame can work wonders on the weak minded.

It’s sort of like being a Jedi. Yes….

Oh yeah. Women appreciate a man with a good frame. Think about times you have failed to maintain your frame. Look back, be ashamed, and never do that again. Now go out, meet more women and develop a wealth of new ability.

Sign up for my bootcamp. Every weekend In Vancouver, Montreal, and other cities I teach guys like you how to approach, and attract women. I teach by demonstration and put you hands on (No pun?) into the warzone that is cold approach pickup. I don’t care how old you are, what race you are, what height or shape you are. Women are waiting for a guy like you to seduce them.

I also offer phone coaching.

Have fun.

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