End Game

wow3Most night game pickups will happen in the twilight, between 1 am and 5 am. Any girls lingering at the party around then are probably looking to hook up. The problem is, the other guys know this as well, and there might be stiff competition.

If you hook a girl in the end game, you must, must, must stick to her like glue. The moment you turn your back, or go to the bathroom, or talk to her friend…another guy will swoop in on her. Girls at this stage are usually sending out cosmic pussy rays, displaying their availability, and every guy with an ounce of game will be drunk and aggressive. Thankfully for you, most of these guys don’t study game theory, and are probably shit faced.

At this point, girls don’t care if they’ve built rapport with you, or if you have their number. These girls are looking for one thing: the guy that will step up and take them.

This is where being a nice guy fails. Friends will betray friends, brother against brother, all out war.

If you manage to hook a girl it’s critical that you isolate her, even if she’s with her friends. Grab her by the hand and say, “Come with me.” Take her into another part of the party, where there will be less distraction or competition.

After isolation, escalate, escalate, escalate. This means being physical, being funny, being aggressive. If she was willing to isolate with you, it means she’s giving you a window of opportunity to seduce her. If you fuck this part up, it’s game over. Grab her, squeeze her, pull her on your lap, put your arm around her shoulders, and kiss her.

If she’s compliant, she submits to your physical game, and she kisses you…it’s time to bounce.

By this time you should have discussed logistics. Where does she live? How far is it? Does she have roommates? Did she ask you where you live? Do you live close? What cool stuff does she have at her place and what cool stuff do you have at yours? (Pot, alcohol, cough, cough).

When I had a fish, I used to tell girls I had an aquarium that I just had to show them. Or I’d talk about a certain movie, or anything I could use as an excuse. Don’t be like, “Wanna go bang?” Not unless she says it first.

How to deal with sharks

I call other guys with game sharks. If you are escalating on a girl, and a shark enters your waters, the best thing to do is take the girl by the hand, and walk her away. Again, she isn’t looking for a nice, polite, social guy. She’s looking for a winner. If the guy engages her, and she seems to like him, just say, “Sorry man, I need to borrow her for a minute.” Then walk her away.

On the other hand if she’s talking to someone, and you’re the shark, you can enter the interaction and steal her. Be cool, be calm. Often, the other guy will get pissy, jealous, worried and maybe say some aggro shit. Realize, the more he acts out, the less attractive he becomes. Just be nice, polite, and then start talking to the girl, and ignoring him. If he doesn’t know what to do, he’ll run out of steam and move on. If the girl is more interested in talking to you instead of him, grab her by the hand and say, “You gotta check this out!” Then take her to isolation and escalate.

Here is the major point I want you to remember about end game: DO NOT LET HER OUT OF YOUR SIGHT. Persistence, endurance, and a strong will to succeed will get you the girl. Again, she doesn’t give a shit about your feelings, or if you’re a sensitive guy. She has many options at this point, and she wants the strongest, boldest, and most committed man. She wants the guy that will rock her world in bed, and show her the best time. Playing aloof, soft, and hard to get is a certain fail in end game.

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One Comment

  1. I call this the time of despair. It helps if you have exchanged some words with the girl some time before, but things happen very fast, if you bet on the wrong horse its often fatal.

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