Top Five Reasons She Just Isn’t Into You

girlart***The following is a fantastic guest post by my friend and intern coach, Jason Hersco. He lives in Montreal and can be found on St. Laurent street at 3am, flirting with pretty girls. If you’re interested in approach coaching in Montreal, contact us today.***

Fundamentals are integral to game

Fundamentals don’t change. Over 90% of results in pick-up are going to come from properly executing the fundamentals. They are simple to know, but difficult to master. Most improvement in your game will come from becoming better at the fundamentals, rather than additional, fancy techniques.

Without further ado, I present to you the Top Five Reason Why She Isn’t Into You:

#1 You don’t even meet her

From the start, it’s the man’s job to take the initiative. Don’t expect girls to come up and start talking to you. The most common sticking point is failing to approach. There’s nothing to lose by approaching. Develop the habit of approaching; make it a reflex. If you want to begin a romantic relationship it has to start with the two of you meeting. So start meeting new people!

#2 She doesn’t get to know you

She wants to experience your unique reality. The faster she can get to know who you really are the faster she will become attracted to you. Being comfortable around women and just being able to be yourself is huge. The hotter the woman, the more difficult it is for guys to be themselves. If you can be yourself, you will truly stand out. Furthermore, you’re not going to have chemistry with every girl and vice versa. But, if you can be yourself to the hilt, and she can sense your congruence she will fall for you ten times faster than if you were trying to micromanage an impression. Express, don’t impress.

#3 You aren’t persistent enough

When girls like you, they are going to shit-test you. Even if she wants to sleep with you she’s going to put up resistance. Drill this into your head. If she likes you, she will shit-test you. Even if she desperately wants to sleep with you, she still has to put up resistance so that she doesn’t feel like a slut. Truly great game isn’t about what you do. Once you’re attractive, you’re attractive. If you spend enough time with a girl she’ll like you, and if you get her to a sex location she will fuck you. What truly great game comes down to isn’t what you do but what you can deal with. Be the guy who isn’t scared off by what the other guys were scared off by, and you’ll get the girl. Pass the shit tests and deal with the bullshit.

#4 You don’t present yourself as a man

I have to be crass here to get this point across. She must know that you have a dick and you will use it. She has to know that you are a sexual being and you are interested in her in a sexual way. This comes from the way you carry yourself. Your tonality, your eye contact, and your physicality. She must become comfortable with your touch, and you must let her know, in an appropriate way, that you are interested in her sexually. You must escalate. Even if she’s giving you nothing. She might be totally into you and not showing it. She might not be into you until you escalate. Of course, gauge her comfort levels after your escalation attempt and react appropriately. Nonetheless, be a sexual man, and escalate.

#5 You don’t lead

She isn’t going to do the work for you. Assume 100% of the burden of the interaction. From meeting her, to carrying the conversation, to making her feel comfortable, to making her friends like you, to physically escalating, to getting her to the sex location. It’s all your responsibility. It’s even your responsibility to get her to contribute and invest in the interaction. If she does the work, she’s going to feel like a slut. You have to be the one to make things happen. You are the man. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it.


All of these mistakes take root from the same problem, which could be considered the ultimate reason why she isn’t into you. It’s the fear of fucking it up. So many guys are afraid to mess things up. If it’s going well, they don’t want to mess it up. If it’s going mediocre, they don’t want to mess it up. If it’s going poorly, they don’t want to make it worse. Do you want her to like you, or do you want her to sleep with you? Which do you want more? Your desire to sleep with her must be greater than your desire for her to like you. Approach her, put your personality on the line, be persistent, be comfortable with your sexuality, and take the lead. Risk messing it up in order to get what you want, rather than playing it safe to avoid negativity. When in doubt, make a bold move. Master these principles and you will have the love life most men only dream of.

***Yeah what he said! If you liked or hated this post, let me know in the comments below.*** Tony. 

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