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Lose Fat – Gain Women

wow4Loser mentality vs. winner mentality posts are cliché, I know. But assuming my readers aren’t completely green, you’re somewhat curious, self-aware, or ambitious. I hope you’re all three. So this article won’t piss you off.

Pua meme: Looks don’t matter. All you need is game.

Ostrich neck: This is sooooo empowering. It doesn’t matter if you’re ugly. Just go beastmode and tens will jump on your dick!

There’s a difference between being ugly, and resembling a lazy nerd. This blog is about self-improvement, not self-denial. I’m not saying that if you’re nerdy looking, overweight, or too skinny, short, and so forth…that you can’t get women. Anyone can attract a woman. But if you really want to date very attractive women, many attractive women, you will need to pull your head out of the sand and do some work. Get real man!

Previously I was having a hard time getting girls to text me back, or meet me, even for coffee. It was frustrating, man. I got flaked on…a lot. It wasn’t my game!! No, no. It was the women and their fickle desire for the perfect man. It was feminism. It’s North American culture!


I was reading through my novel (currently in publishing limbo) and re-read a chapter where I decided to lose some weight. When I lost weight, the girls were more receptive and less flakey.

That’s it, I thought. I’m too fat again.

I was at 182 pounds – 83 kilos, and at 5’7”, that weight was not all muscle. I should be around 160.

So I made a few lifestyle changes. First, I downloaded a calorie counter. My goal was to stay under 1500 calories per day and avoid all processed foods. I also started working out three days a week, an hour per day, just to start.

Within one month I shed ten pounds and two inches around my waist. But mostly it showed in my face. Friends and family started saying things like, “Oh you lost weight,” and “Looking good!” My instagram selfies got more, “likes,” (not a healthy form of validation, but whatever). Simply put, I was better looking.

The result? My game improved. I got more dates. And now my rut is over. Kablaaam. I’m seeing a bunch of hotties again.

Of course, I also teach seduction for a living, so I have game. I meet new women every weekend.

I’m no dietician, and hardly a body builder. I’m just a simple writer, and lover of fine women.

The Tony D diet (Open to Guidance).

Breakfast: One cup of all bran type cereal, with one cup of 1% milk. The bran helps you make big, manly, soid poops. Real winners. And it fills you up. The bran I mean, not the poop. 400 calories.

Sometimes I make a two egg omelet, with a slice of beast, and chopped shrubbery. Or one piece of multigrain bread and one fried egg.

I also pop a multi-vitamin and do about twenty pushups (not, but starting now). Then I have a coffee without sugar and work on my laptop, like I’m doing now.

(Sometimes I have sex. Cardio)

Following breakfast, a four hour break from food, except fruit. But I drink all the water I want. If I crave pop, I drink a sparkling mineral water.

Lunch: I cook 1/3 cup of brown rice, and stir fry some fresh veggies with whatever small amount of sauce I want. I add a few pieces of meat for protein. It’s about 400-600 calories. Makes me feel strong, lean and manly.

I might go to the gym, or for a short jog.

In the evening I snack on fresh or preserved veggies—like cherry tomatoes, pickles or olives. I don’t really have a dinner. Or I fry some bacon. And If I’m really hungry, I’ll cook a small serving of whole grain pasta with a light sauce. But nothing too heavy four hours before bed.

I do not drink fruit juice or pop, or anything with sugar whenever possible. If I crave sugar, I bake an apple for ten minutes in my toaster oven, or cook a few pieces of bacon. If I still crave, I do pushups, drink more water, a slice of fruit.

I rarely eat out at restaurants. Most meals will average out at 800-1400 cals without the alcohol. But I like meeting people at restaurants. So…I am less social while dieting.

Alcohol is the killer. It’s so fattening. But I found I can still get a few drinks once a week and stay under my caloric limit of 2200 on cheat day.

I avoid bread and cake, unless it’s hearty stuff, with lots of grains and seeds. But still, bread is delicious so break this rule on hectic days with a slice of street pizza. But only one slice allowed, otherwise I get rot gut and gas.

The result of this diet? I have more energy, less gut, clearer skin, less lethargy, and increased smiles from random women. I also crave food less. I can go further on less fuel. I can fuck better too. I bet my love ropes taste different. Better? I don’t know. Hehe.

Look, you can leave a comment with your daily diet ritual. I appreciate stuff like that. Shut down youngpornvideos.com (the one every dude has been to, but is ashamed to say the creepy url) and leave a comment!

I love pickup. The results are so sudden, so apparent. Small changes, big gains.

Or you can find the niche of women who are attracted to overweight men. That might work. Or you could start a band.

Good luck.

***I’m in Vancouver at the time of this posting. But I’m accepting students everywhere. Email me for info on bootcamps in your city.***

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  1. Thanks for the first half of the post and I really like your blog btw 🙂

    As for the diet, I’ll try to add some things for the skinny type, like me (and sorry for possible bits of bad english). Those types don’t gain much weight, regardless of what they eat. Sounds cool – but you also have difficulties building up muscle and getting out of this super skinny “I don’t work out at all”-look. I’m no expert either, though, it’s all just personal experience.
    The key here is to eat like you did before, and more. Cereal bars, bananas, an apple, little things between the main meals, so that you eat something every two hours or so. Healthy stuff though, not ice cream. Don’t eat meat every day just for the proteine, the body can’t process all this input, I think. Instead, when eating meat (thrice a week or so), focus on eating good meat from animals that had a happy life.
    In sports, the first activity has to be one to build up muscle. Personally, I favor sports over simple work-out in a fitness center. In boxing, martial arts, climbing/bouldering, swimming etc. your muscles learn to work together. They take a bit longer to show but imo those kind of muscles look way better. Skinny types with pumped arms and chest look strange, but that’s just imo. However, don’t neglect jogging as a secondary activity completely because even the skinny types have some fat-layers that hide the abs for example.
    Before, do at least 3-5 minutes warming up all muscle groups, and after, stretch all the muscles you’ve trained for 20-40 seconds. This helps preventing sore muscles, which (I, at least) used to have to cope with much more than my not-skinny friends.
    Don’t eat directly before sport activities, so that your body attacks the body fat (little, but still there). Eat right after the activity, though, so that your body gets the material for building up new muscle.
    Don’t smoke, when partying with friends drink a water or a coke after every two beers, sleep enough and don’t waste your time with youtube too much 🙂

    1. Yeah thanks for commenting. That sounds like a pretty badass diet plan. I can’t do that though because if I have food around I’ll just eat it and eat it. So I have to prepare every meal.

  2. I have started working out pretty good over the last 4 months and it’s defiantly paying dividends, I get quite a few comments. I used to be quite skinny and have definitely put on quite a bit of muscle. “A 6 pac is made in the kitchen, not in the gym.” is a saying I’ve seen quite a bit, working out is only half the battle and probably less than that, most people eat like shit. Every 10 days or so I make the same thing with minor adjustments. 1-bag of organic quinoa (gluten free and the only complete protein grain), a pound of ground turkey, 2 diced up onions with lots of garlic, 3 cans of diced tomatoes, 2 cans of turkey chili, a jar of tomato sauce, 1 can tomato paste, a shit load of broccoli (blanched), can of black beans, can of garbanzo beans, a bunch of seasonings, some acid (vinegar of some sort), a bunch of mozzarella cheese thrown in and melted. Then I scramble like 10 eggs and mix them all in. So basically it’s just a big pile of stuff that I can heat up whenever I want and it’s actually pretty damn good. I usually put 2-3 sunny side eggs on top whenever I make it to just for extra protein. Protein is key, that is what you should be eating with every meal. I also drink 1-2 protein shakes a day. Working out is useless unless you are getting enough protein (1-1.5 g per lb of bodyweight) Bed time snack is usually cottage cheese mixed up with some flavored lowfat yogurt and some granola thrown in (protein!) I don’t drink soda but I like getting drunk so drinking lots of water is must.

  3. Some good comments here with good ideas, but I think you guys should have a look at http://www.authoritynutrition.com. A lot of debunking going on there regarding red meat, fat vs sugar, cholesterol in eggs, etc… My eating habits reflect most of what the author writes about. I’m 5’9″, 170 lbs, around 10-11 % body fat. And also for the muscles find a good full body workout, like boot camps or CrossFit. Intensity multiple times a week is key, not just quantity.

  4. See i have lost 80 pounds in the past year. It just doesn’t seem good enough for anyone. Also doesn’t help I’m built like a tank and and have a barrel chest with almost no muscle

  5. Tony,

    Great points here about losing weight. I am almost your height (5’6″) and almost your weight (178 lbs. with 47!! being fat lbs.). When I started my diet on 2/10/14. I did the “Shred Diet” by Dr. Ian Smith and had great results. It was 6 weeks of a similar method you describe above with 3 meals and 3 snack spread throughout the day. I had roughly 1600 calories on average per day.

    In the 6 weeks the diet was I lost 18 pounds with 9 being from fat. I felt like I had more energy and completely changed my diet. I’ve continued on with the diet and working out. As of today I weigh 148 lbs with 29 being from fat. Everyone at work says each week how much I lost and how good I look. I can see some abs in the mirror. My chest and back are pronounced with my waistline being slim. I went from a size 36 to a size 32. I have way more confidence, I know I look good.

    I also notice the looks from women when I am going about my day. I see many more peeks than I used to (I consider myself pretty good looking). Now it’s just a matter of getting over my AA and doing it!! I love your blog, lots of great points and all the pickup is based in reality.

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