It All Adds Up

meditationThe only thing that really makes me happy is knowing I did a good days work. Waking up at a reasonable time, putting a few good words on paper; this fulfills me more than dating a new girl, selling a bootcamp, or travelling to a foreign country.

Women can tell when you’re not on your purpose. It bubbles up in the things you say, even the way you walk. They don’t care if you’ve been to a self-development seminar, or if you’re going to the gym. They’re only attracted to the presented product.

If you’re unhappy with your current situation, your work, your relationships, or any aspect of your life, this will be apparent to them. Don’t ask me how, they just seem to know. It’s one of their magical abilities.

But don’t fret, they can be forgiving–if you have something to offer them that others don’t. That might be your life philosophy, your sense of humour, your lifestyle. What is it that you can offer a woman, that other men cannot?

If you don’t know, this might require some meditation.

Take time away from worrying about women. Keep up your social work ethic; go out, meet new people, practice your flirting. But when you find yourself sitting down to watch another season of Dexter, instead, put time into that part of your personality that is lacking. Read a book, exercise, paint a picture. It all adds up.

Sometimes to find the answer to your question, you have to stop asking, sit in silence, and accept that you’re still alive, and you have a lot of life left to live.

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  1. True, self examination is often the hardest thing to do because it forces you to confront your insecurities, fears, inadequacies and take note of your strengths and weaknesses. It’s hard, but absolutely necessary for success. The Oracle of Delphi, Peter Drucker, Sun Tsu all said the said thing, “know thyself.”

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