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Newbies, Newbies, Newbies

SantaI realize there are still a ton of newbies finding my site, mostly be searching some variation of “why won’t she text me back.” I don’t want to leave these soldiers in the cold, alone, without the knowledge that will raise them up out of betadom. Unfortunately I have very little interest in dedicating many hours to cover a subject which has been blogged to death, so I’ll direct you to a Manosphere blogger who has covered this area quite thoroughly in his post, “The Sixteen Commandments of Poon.

The Manosphere are a group of bloggers, and their followers, who have moved beyond game and into gender politics. The movement is very popular amongst pua newbies because it’s easier to blame women, feminism and society than to dedicate the thousands of hours needed to achieve success with women. So realize that as you read these blogs and you find yourself parroting their mantra, (parroting means repeating something you’ve heard) remember that the writers of these blogs are mere mortals. All blogs should be regarded as entertainment purposes more so than educational products. And realize a lot of what you read is not a religion. We are but writers. We are often wrong.

The Manosphere is a guilty pleasure. While their game advice is sound, the almost lemming like battle against fatties and feminists gets old, fast. Yes, North Americans are fat. Yes, hardcore feminists are mostly the fattest and ugliest of the females. Yes, sometimes men are charged with false rape accusations. These are sad truths, but truths nonetheless. So I share someone like Heartiste with the utmost trepidation. I think his articles are well articulated, though he dives too far towards the conservative politics for my liking. The linked article should help the hardcore incel (Involuntary Celibacy) move towards a long life of sex, nobility and adventure.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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