“I Don’t Know What to Say to Her.” Guess What…Neither Do I

Disassociate your thoughts from your actions.

Don’t think…Do.

When you see a woman, don’t think, “What do I say? What do I do? What if her friends see me? But she’s getting a drink. But she’s talking to her friend.”

Move your left foot, then your right foot, then your left foot. Tap her on the shoulder, open your mouth and force air through your lungs, shaping your lips to form vowels and consonants. This requires no more thought than taking a shit.

Put yourself in the situation and then deal with the consequences of your actions. Don’t imagine the consequence before the action.

For a newbie opener, say something simple like, “Hi. How’s it going? My name is …Slim Shady.”

If you allow your mind to go into logic mode, you’ll become like one of those robots from the cartoons:

“Robot. Tell me about love.”

Steam and sparks spew from the robots ears as it says, “Love, does not compute….derrrrrr.” Pow!

The more you think, the less you take action and get trapped in your thoughts. Don’t think…just do.

“But Tony, I don’t know what to say. I run out of things to say!”

Your creative, conversational mind is like a muscle. It’s the same as going to the gym. At first you’re like, “How the fuck could I lift that? I can’t run for more than 12 minutes.” Then with practice you can jog for 40 minutes and bench your weight.

As a coach it’s hard for me to sympathize with approach anxiety and the torrent of bullshit excuses. The number one excuse is, “I don’t know what to say.” Poor baby.

Look dude, I know you’ve read sixteen Ebooks, watched twelve pua dvd sets, and here you are asking me what to say to a girl. Get in there! Talk, talk, talk. The only way you will learn to hold court is by STAYING IN SET.

When the girl turns her head to ignore you…tap her shoulder and keep talking, about anything; the weather, your new shoes, your fondness for Egyptian porn. It doesn’t matter. You need practice in set.

On bootcamp when a guy is twelve hours in and they ask me what to say, I feel like slapping them. I very rarely teach a guy about words. I teach you ACTION.

Disassociate your thoughts from your actions, grow some balls, get your ass in front of a woman and make a damn fool of yourself.

Imagine you are in a video game, when you press jump he jumps. Don’t empathize with the thoughts and emotions of others. You aren’t a psychic. Just get in there and impose your reality upon them. Mental and physical domination. Make them submit to your awesome charm.

They’re talking to their friends? Fuck their friends.

They are on the phone? Fuck their phone. She can call her Mom back.

She’s paying for her coffee. I don’ t care. “Hi. How are you.”

She’s with a guy? It’s her cousin.

I’m swearing a lot because I want you to understand…guys that get good with women aren’t nice, polite, caring people…not when it comes to pickup. We are GANGSTER AND DON’T GIVE A FUCK what anyone thinks of us.

Action…not thought. This is what women love about us.

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One Comment

  1. I really like your posts, man. It’s a great blog! You’re not about the shallow “have these 10 things in mind and do exactly as you were taught”, you’re just dead-on with your pieces of advice. Also, the swearing helps 😉

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