Vocal Tonality for Picking up Girls

Imagine a beggar approaching you for change. His grizzled mitts outstretched as he begs “Change please?”

Put that same tonality on a man running game on a woman. Add the beggar inflection to the end.

“Hi. How are you? Oh what do you do? Oh cool!”

This is bad form. You never, ever, want to sound like a rapport seeking beggar. Yet that’s how most men interact with attractive women; like little beta boy doormats.

There are three types of tonality. Seeking rapport, neutral rapport and breaking rapport.

I need a female opinion on something

Seeking rapport is the question asking beggar. Neutral rapport is how you would order a coffee or speak with a close friend, and breaking rapport is how your boss or hockey coach speaks to you when he wants something done NOW.

To attract women, only use NR or BR. Only use SR if you made out with her best friend. Otherwise, never, ever, use that tonality. It just screams scarcity, glass half full, neediness.


Always talk to women, especially hot ones, as if they are equal or beneath you. Let them work to gain your rapport. You don’t need to seek rapport because you have the value. This is what makes women touch themselves at night. The idea of a man that doesn’t need them.

This does not mean you can’t be vulnerable. It doesn’t mean be a cocky asshole.  Just treat her like a normal person, not the answer to all your problems.

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