Shut the Fuck up and Go Out

I like to watch this show. Many of these girls you wouldn’t expect to be beautiful, and then they take their clothes off. It’s also interesting to listen to the interviews with the girls while they talk about their bodies and sexuality.

I’m off to Montreal for a month of bootcamps. A little bit happy and a little bit nervous. Mostly I’m concerned that I will have pain in the ass clients or a lack of pretty girls for them to approach. Pain in the ass clients are the ones that are stuck on pickup artist literature circa 2005. They wan’t the golden fleece, the conversation cure, the answers to the universe. The only problem is that they “haven’t been going out,” so when I ask them to approach, they freeze up and start spitting out bullshit about how they are “different” and their childhood was, “blah, blah, blah.”

Not to sound insensitive, but I’m not a therapist–I’m more like a mechanic and my job is to scrub the bullshit out of your head.

My job is simple: To teach you how to meet women, and be more attractive to them. I’m not here to teach you “What to say.”

Learning how to talk to people is like learning how to swim. You only learn by swimming. Someone can explain how to move your arms and kick your legs and keep your head up, but if you don’t get in the water, you don’t learn. And yes, you will sink a few dozen times and come up spitting water.

Women are at their best when they’re free and wild, spinning naked in a forest like in Richard Kern’s photo shoots. So you must understand, we men have that same ability to be free, but that doesn’t mean being crazy. It simply means, letting go of thought and DOING.

The biggest problem (after nose hair) that my clients have, is “Paralysis by Analysis.”

“I don’t know what to say,” is truly, the most irritating statement, akin to a mosquito climbing inside my nostril.

If you watch Shot by Kern, you will see how when the girls do what he says, he gets amazing shots and is happy, but when the girls give him a hard time, he just doesn’t publish their pictures. Kern is a man of action, he knows how to do his job. Do you know how to do yours? Do you know how to be a man?

Quit whining. Watch this video, and then go talk to girls. That will be $1200. Thanks.

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