Understanding Life, Love and Death

If you don’t meditate–start

I have a philosophy: If you believe something to be true, it will be.

Imagine this reality as a series of infinite train tracks, or tunnels. If you focus on fear, anger and hate, you will ride a bullet train straight to that “reality.” If you focus on positivity, love, and aim for spiritual enlightenment, this will be your experience.

Quantum physics has shown us that this third dimension, what we call reality, is as mouldable as clay. The Hindus knew this, The Buddhists knew this, The Sumerians knew this and every other ancient civilization.

We forgot it. Not because we are stupid, but because the truth of who we are, and why we are here, has been hidden from us.

The truth is, there is no God

We are God

Everything is connected

We’re all made of the same star-stuff. That person you think is stupid, is you. That beautiful woman, is you. That powerful stag licking morning dew off an autumn leaf, is you. The table you rest your head upon after too many pints, is you.

We live in the age of atheism, agnosticism, and regressive religions that dictate dogma. Where “Science TM”, is pushed as ultimate truth—that if something cannot be proven, or measured by human made instruments, then it must not—it cannot be true. And if you believe in Heaven, or Buddha, or The Matrix, or Ghosts or Ufos or Bigfoot, or even Love (it’s just a chemical reaction, right?) then you are a sheep. Because once you die, that’s it. Lights out. Game over. Worm food. We’re just stupid animals, bacteria, on an isolated and lonely rock surrounded by the great void.

You’re not alone. Your ego tells you so

Ughh. How did the pinnacle of creation and intelligent life in the Universe come to this philosophy?

Everything is conscious, alive

The “lights out” theory never sat well with me. It’s just so boring, and depressing. I thought, if you burn something, it turns to ash. If you melt ice, it becomes water, and then vapour. If electricity strikes, it creates fire.

Everything is transformed, and re-used—so why would consciousness be any different?

Many of you guys are struggling to find a mate. You are hustling to find love. But you are seeking love outside of yourself.

All love manifests first internally, and is then broadcast outwards

Positives attract positives. Negatives attract negatives. This is true. And when you attract someone who isn’t your match, or if you attract nobody at all, then this is the lesson you needed to learn. Every perceived failure is a lesson. Recognizing this and embracing it–is a sign of your awakening and alignment to your greater purpose.

Beyond learning how to approach, and communicate with women, on the feminine frequency, it’s important to study and understand love. The same goes for women learning to communicate on the masculine frequency. 

In order to understand love, you must understand death

To fully grasp love, you must lose fear of death. 

You don’t have to die to experience life after death. You do it every time you sleep.

The only thing that truly dies, is your ego

If you don’t believe in anything beyond “lights out” you will live a life of fear, doubt, hatred, and it will all feel pointless. By losing fear of death, you will learn to love life with all of it’s joys, and horrors. Without the horrors of war, you would not understand peace; without poverty, you would not understand wealth; without depression, you would not understand joy; without hate, you would not understand love.

Nothing is wasted, only transformed


There is no light without dark. There is no Yin without Yang. That’s the point of this crazy, fucked up world. To learn.

This reality, this dimension, this realm is chaotic, and scary, and absurd. Relinquish your desire for control. Laugh at it. Laugh at the ridiculousness of nature. It’s hilarious! It really is just a giant amusement park.

The point of life is simple: To learn, to experience, and evolve. Not just your body, but your mind and spirit. 

It’s to take your wisdom, and move on to the next realm. Or, to come back and do it over again from another perspective. Either way, if you think it’s “lights out” then you have chosen the most limiting, boring, depressing of all religions. And you may just get what you wish for.

I choose to believe that I am the creator of my reality

Along with the infinite number of sentient beings, from humans, to animals, to plants, to water and air and rocks and fire. All life, all matter is sentient, and connected. This 3d world is just one stop on a cosmic joyride.

You create your reality, but you can’t control it. Embrace the chaos. Laugh at the absurdity. And understand that your thoughts really do affect your reality. 

I do not fear death. I look forward to it. Because of this, I plan to stick it out. I plan to learn, and love, and experience the ups, the downs, the joys and horrors with equal curiosity, and optimism. 

Let’s do this.

Love Tony.


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  1. That’s pretty profound Tony. One of your deepest posts to date. Good job.

    I agree with a lot of what you wrote; the interconnectedness of all things, our thoughts manifesting into reality, what the ancient religions knew intuitively has slowly been confirmed by quantum physics, learning to love, etc.

    I disagree that one can’t live a meaningful life by believing there is nothing after death. Richard Dawkins wrote about this in The God Delusion – how atheism can also lead to a rewarding life filled with happiness. He argues that being an atheist can actually lead to a DEEPER appreciation for all of life’s richer experiences because if this is all there is, and you treasure it even more. and you look into the universe with the awe and wander at its complexity and beauty.

    Anyways, thought provoking post. Nice work.

  2. I don’t think you’re angry, or depressed. I don’t know you. But I disagree that thought isn’t energy. Your mind creates electricity, it creates art, and ideas, that when acted upon can change the world. I just find atheism boring. I believe that whatever you believe, will be. If that’s lights out, so be it. Not saying this idea is better. It’s just more appealing to me.Your belief does not infringe on me, because I create my reality. I’m not subject to destiny.

  3. How is this not already swarming with cheery comments here? 😡
    I’ve been following you for two or three years now Tony and it really helped me become who I am today. I never commented anything before, but this now is just amazeballs! Words well connected, amigo! Keep going! (Do we have a chance anyway?)

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