How to Stop a Woman From the Front

I had a student ask me “How do you stop girls from the front?” He was referring to street game. Considering I spent two days with this guy approaching women, the question was a little irritating. Sometimes I forget what it’s like to be a blundering newbie–it’s been so long.

Usually I approach women from the back or the side. I’ll pass by slightly, look over my shoulder and drop my opener. I like to lay a semi firm touch on their shoulder as I do this. Kino isn’t necessary but it’s a good habit to develop, especially if you think physical contact with strange women is weird or creepy. It’s not.

There are so many ways to approach a woman; too many to count. You could open by leaping off a table flapping your arms and mooing like a cow. It really doesn’t matter as long as you get her to pay attention.

A solid way to open from the front is to make your presence known from a slight distance. I like to wave my hand from about fifteen feet away, hold direct eye contact, and in a loud, confident voice say “Hi.” Do this as if you’ve known this person your entire life. They usually stop. If they don’t stop, I persist by moving towards them, or beconing for them to come over. But usually I prefer to move as little as possible. If the girl comes to me, then it is her choice to be compliant. That means she’s already invested in the interaction.

You must truly believe that you are THE SHIT. Why would any woman NOT stop? You’re handsome, funny, charming and awesome. If you believe, they will stop.

“But Tony, what do I say next?”

Shut the fuck up. Worry about that after you stop the girl. You have my entire blog, my free ebook, my free audio programs at as well as the hundreds of ebooks on bittorrent.

If you are a total newbie and you have never approached a woman, then I can understand you have questions like “How do I approach a woman from the front?” But realize, this is like asking “How do I lift a dumbell?” or “How do I ride a bike?”

Pick up a dumbell. Sit on the bike. You will answer your own question. Learning how to pick up women involves dedicated practice over several years. The best way to find out what works is to grow a pair, go out and try.

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